Speedsolving.com ID | Kinch Score | Competitions | Completed Solves |
Andy Chakarov | 1.46 | 11 | 131 |
Event | SR | Single | Average | SR | Kinch Score |
2x2x2 | 3757 | 4.35Week 2022-42 8.99 9.44 7.22 4.35 5.58 Really dissapointed by this average | 7.24Week 2023-06 193rd Place 5.78 7.07 7.60 DNF 7.04 | 4109 | 10.64 |
3x3x3 | 5476 | 23.52Week 2022-45 DNF 33.63 23.52 29.83 28.53 pretty dissapointed with this average but it is what it is | 28.70Week 2022-42 281st Place 24.67 32.68 35.46 23.54 28.74 That's good I think | 5504 | 16.15 |
2x2x2 blindfolded | 1116 | 20.84Week 2022-45 26th Place DNF 20.84 DNF I learned how to do this like 1 hour ago | 7.87 | ||
3x3x3 one-handed | 3784 | 1:50.73Week 2022-39 2:58.89 2:01.05 2:41.58 2:13.98 1:50.73 I was really bored so I decided to do this | 2:18.87Week 2022-39 149th Place 2:58.89 2:01.05 2:41.58 2:13.98 1:50.73 I was really bored so I decided to do this | 3743 | 5.78 |
Pyraminx | 3407 | 15.28Week 2022-45 15.28 20.77 17.07 25.03 25.31 | 20.96Week 2022-45 149th Place 15.28 20.77 17.07 25.03 25.31 | 3350 | 5.46 |
Skewb | 2530 | 15.90Week 2022-45 31.68 16.82 26.40 46.69 15.90 my skewb sucks | 24.97Week 2022-45 129th Place 31.68 16.82 26.40 46.69 15.90 my skewb sucks | 2550 | 5.23 |
Gold | Silver | Bronze |
0 | 0 | 0 |
Competition | Place | Single | Average | Solves | ||||
2x2x2 | ||||||||
2023-06 | 193 | 5.78 | 7.24 | (5.78) | 7.07 | 7.60 | (DNF) | 7.04 |
2022-50 | 184 | 6.16 | 8.33 | 8.32 | 8.12 | 8.55 | (9.98) | (6.16) |
2022-45 | 198 | 6.47 | 8.41 | (6.47) | 7.66 | 9.70 | (11.07) | 7.87 |
2022-44 | 215 | 6.98 | 10.46pls send help I did terribly | 7.25 | (6.98) | (15.04) | 11.75 | 12.39 |
2022-42 | 207 | 4.35 | 7.26Really dissapointed by this average | 8.99 | (9.44) | 7.22 | (4.35) | 5.58 |
2022-40 | 201 | 8.68 | 9.75I got 15 5 second solves (out of 20) what happened here | 9.09 | 10.18 | 9.99 | (8.68) | (17.78) |
2022-39 | 182 | 5.43 | 7.461. woah that was a good scramble
2. I got so much lockups 3. pretty nice 4. I made such a big mistake 5.nice solve again yay those are my best times in an online cubing comp | (5.43) | 7.69 | 6.93 | (16.11) | 7.75 |
2022-38 | 189 | 8.19 | 9.991. this would have been a sub 5 if I didnt make the biggest cubing mistake the world has seen
2 3 4 and 5 are pretty straight forward | (19.00) | 9.53 | 12.15 | (8.19) | 8.30 |
2022-37 | 193 | 8.66 | 11.57how did I get the worst times the world has seen | 12.95 | 8.97 | (13.46) | (8.66) | 12.78 |
2022-36 | 170 | 6.00 | 9.81 | 8.49 | (6.00) | 10.86 | 10.07 | (12.68) |
3x3x3 | ||||||||
2023-06 | 282 | 29.88 | 32.41 | 31.62 | (44.04) | 35.19 | 30.41 | (29.88) |
2022-50 | 244 | 23.56 | 30.19I took a long break from cubing so that's why my times are so bad | 32.85 | 28.69 | 29.03 | (43.30) | (23.56) |
2022-45 | 279 | 23.52 | 30.66pretty dissapointed with this average but it is what it is | (DNF) | 33.63 | (23.52) | 29.83 | 28.53 |
2022-44 | 279 | 26.79 | 29.97as my parents once said: I am not angry I am just disappointed | (32.78) | 29.30 | 30.12 | 30.50 | (26.79) |
2022-42 | 281 | 23.54 | 28.70That's good I think | 24.67 | 32.68 | (35.46) | (23.54) | 28.74 |
2022-40 | 261 | 24.65 | 34.04my dad came out of nowhere after the first solve and told me to do the laundry so I probably lost all the effects of warm up solves
nevermind solve 2 proved me wrong | 33.39 | 29.59 | 39.15 | (24.65) | (44.21) |
2022-39 | 262 | 32.76 | 34.58I'm pretty happy with those times | (38.32) | 33.34 | (32.76) | 34.13 | 36.28 |
2022-38 | 257 | 33.45 | 40.31 | 39.36 | (33.45) | (43.28) | 38.92 | 42.66 |
2022-37 | 240 | 30.26 | 38.98I did the wrong PLL on solve 2 and then messed up a scramble,
also this just shows how little I have cubed in the past 3 days | 41.01 | (DNF) | 37.85 | (30.26) | 38.09 |
2022-36 | 235 | 34.14 | 37.82I really wanted a sub 35 average but I messed up the last 2 solves | (34.14) | 35.28 | 35.82 | 42.35 | (DNF) |
2022-35 | 259 | 36.89 | 45.30I honestly dont know what happened on the second solve | 43.60 | (1:12.06) | 46.32 | 45.98 | (36.89) |
2x2x2 blindfolded | ||||||||
2022-45 | 26 | 20.84 | DNFI learned how to do this like 1 hour ago | DNF | 20.84 | DNF | ||
3x3x3 one-handed | ||||||||
2022-45 | 163 | 2:26.27 | DNF | (2:26.27) | 2:46.35 | (DNS) | DNS | DNS |
2022-39 | 149 | 1:50.73 | 2:18.87I was really bored so I decided to do this | (2:58.89) | 2:01.05 | 2:41.58 | 2:13.98 | (1:50.73) |
Pyraminx | ||||||||
2022-45 | 149 | 15.28 | 20.96 | (15.28) | 20.77 | 17.07 | 25.03 | (25.31) |
2022-42 | 142 | 22.23 | 23.68I learned how to solve a pyraminx like 15 minutes ago | 23.19 | (22.23) | (25.30) | 22.89 | 24.97 |
2022-38 | 139 | 31.97 | 52.88when I say I suck at pyraminx I really mean it | 59.63 | 46.24 | 52.77 | (31.97) | (1:11.14) |
Skewb | ||||||||
2022-50 | 112 | 29.63 | DNF | 44.93 | (29.63) | (DNS) | DNS | DNS |
2022-45 | 129 | 15.90 | 24.97my skewb sucks | 31.68 | 16.82 | 26.40 | (46.69) | (15.90) |