Myanmarcuberzwe ID Kinch Score Competitions Completed Solves
Myanmarcuberzwe 0.79 18 89

Current Personal Records

Event SR Single Average SR Kinch Score
3x3x3356014.38Week 2023-45
17.38   16.45   14.38   16.80   19.73
wish there were more sub 15 solves.
16.74Week 2023-44
196th Place
15.20   16.64   18.39   16.28   17.29
It was fine, but needed improvement.

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 0 0


Competition Place Single Average Solves
2023-4520414.3816.88wish there were more sub 15 solves.17.3816.45(14.38)16.80(19.73)
2023-4419615.2016.74It was fine, but needed improvement.(15.20)16.64(18.39)16.2817.29
2023-4119215.6018.58Could have done much better. Lots of hesistation.16.51(20.09)19.55(15.60)19.68
2023-3819315.6717.53Could have been much better.16.5917.07(22.03)(15.67)18.93
2023-3523717.3919.26fuck the last solve.22.0218.00(17.39)17.75(27.33)
2021-4511615.7717.46Yayy! weekly pb.
Luckily everything went on smoothly and near perfection. (Except the wrong pll execution in solve number 5)
2021-4411217.5219.12Pretty okay, I guess, except solve number 3. Did green cross and kinda failed.(17.52)(22.51)18.6120.8317.92
2021-4312716.9620.32Solve number 1: Did the wrong oll.
Solve number 3: messed up dot case and have to reinsert f2l pair.

Overall, it is good, but could have done much better, felt like there are wasted potential.
2021-4212816.5120.95Solve number 3: Messed up white cross pretty bad
Solve number 5: Tried green cross but failed miserably.
Overall: mehh
2021-4112516.3219.35Solve no 1. Messed up oll for 2 times.
Solve no 3. Tried green cross but kinda failed.
Overall, the results are quite weird.
2021-4013216.3822.03It's overall fine. Not too bad or good. I got two T perms in the last 2 solves and sadly have lots of lockups on executing them.22.53(16.38)21.58(22.63)21.97
2021-3811216.4520.51Everything is fine except the first and last solves. they had two many regrips and bad cross, and the last one was full mode 2 look oll and 2 look pll.(27.23)18.25(16.45)18.4724.81
2021-3712117.1319.94YES, finally first sub 20 average in a weekly competitIon.17.63(23.81)19.96(17.13)22.24
2021-3611916.4922.52Only the 1st and 5th solve are decent but the rest sucked so bad and V Perm f*cked me up i nthe 4th solve.(16.49)24.0624.53(26.60)18.97
2021-3513020.6922.31A lot of pll lockups. This average sucked.22.5921.45(26.55)(20.69)22.89
2021-3413518.1821.21Cubed with pretty cold hands, yet still managed to get a decent average for me.(18.18)(DNF)18.8519.7725.02
2021-3213918.8521.02Almost sub 20, and btw every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes, and peace out.(18.85)21.77(22.02)19.4321.85