Neatcubing ID Kinch Score Competitions Completed Solves
Neatcubing 2.74 13 117

Current Personal Records

Event SR Single Average SR Kinch Score
2x2x232963.73Week 2023-29
DNF   8.63   14.39   7.32   3.73
I'm so embarrassed of my 2x2 times even though it's an event I have never practised. Excuse the inconsistent times, I think I was actually getting better at 2x2 by doing this. Solve 5 was goated btw, pll skip.
6.73Week 2023-31
200th Place
8.73   6.59   6.76   6.85   5.26
1st solve I accidentally missed the stop button
3x3x3187510.05Week 2023-35
14.75   15.14   10.05   14.36   17.56
Holy cow. I am on fire today, even got a new PB single!
14.75Week 2023-35
191st Place
14.75   15.14   10.05   14.36   17.56
Holy cow. I am on fire today, even got a new PB single!
4x4x432141:39.83Week 2023-31
1:39.83   1:47.09   2:03.89   2:17.81   1:48.59
at least it's sub 2 this time around
1:53.19Week 2023-31
155th Place
1:39.83   1:47.09   2:03.89   2:17.81   1:48.59
at least it's sub 2 this time around
3x3x3 one-handed302239.02Week 2023-35
46.95   57.01   48.74   39.02   54.44
I have never practised oh and don't plan to but just felt that my oh times needed an update with how much faster my 3x3 times have become
50.04Week 2023-35
145th Place
46.95   57.01   48.74   39.02   54.44
I have never practised oh and don't plan to but just felt that my oh times needed an update with how much faster my 3x3 times have become
3x3x3 Match the scramble8501:56.93Week 2023-35
2:52.38   2:23.72   2:56.03   2:00.70   1:56.93
I swear I'm not trying to +2 on purpose
2:25.60Week 2023-35
10th Place
2:52.38   2:23.72   2:56.03   2:00.70   1:56.93
I swear I'm not trying to +2 on purpose
Pyraminx23596.98Week 2021-32
12.68   12.88   14.62   6.98   16.71
Solve 4 was so lucky
13.39Week 2021-32
62nd Place
12.68   12.88   14.62   6.98   16.71
Solve 4 was so lucky

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 0 0


Competition Place Single Average Solves
2023-312005.266.731st solve I accidentally missed the stop button(8.73)6.596.766.85(5.26)
2023-292213.7310.11I'm so embarrassed of my 2x2 times even though it's an event I have never practised. Excuse the inconsistent times, I think I was actually getting better at 2x2 by doing this. Solve 5 was goated btw, pll skip.(DNF)8.6314.397.32(3.73)
2021-44914.316.92I dont practise 2x2 much but thought i should probably still compete in it7.03(8.22)6.61(4.31)7.11
2023-3519110.0514.75Holy cow. I am on fire today, even got a new PB single!14.7515.14(10.05)14.36(17.56)
2023-3421213.9116.36I'd accidentally injured my right index finger not too long ago, so I was mentally preparing for a worse average. And it honestly seemed like it was going to be one, but I clutched up the last two solves.
also I just realized I lost my pr streak
2023-3319813.6915.81Holy a counting 14!
Gotta thank the PLL skip on solve 2
2023-3223013.7316.64My nerves are getting the best of me
Solve 5 was a godsend though
2023-3121514.8616.75Why are my times so madly inconsistent lmao16.87(18.89)14.9318.46(14.86)
2023-2923417.4418.86Nothing special in solve 1, other than me having zero lookahead.
Planned an XCross in solve 2 but messed it up.
It was going so well in solve 3 before I locked up on the G perm and dropped the cube somehow.
Solve 4 is the first decent solve, I wonder why I'm getting such bad times lol.
Solve 5.... ugh. I'm so bad.

2021-4410715.7617.192nd solve was just me panicking17.89(21.10)(15.76)17.4316.24
2021-3612218.3223.6118 sec PR!
For the other solves --- UGH
2021-3513120.1122.49Haven't cubed in a few days...
Good average though
2021-3214220.1822.43Oof last solve
Amazing average though
2021-3115024.7825.26Really good times except solve #2
Panicked in F2L cuz of bad lookahead
2021-3014626.4627.50Pretty good times26.97(31.72)28.9126.63(26.46)
2021-2915427.8730.01I realised i should probably write something intelligent for my first comp.
2023-311551:39.831:53.19at least it's sub 2 this time around(1:39.83)1:47.092:03.89(2:17.81)1:48.59
2023-291552:06.362:21.94haven't practised 4x4 in a while but whatever
Solve 1: okay, pretty good
Solve 2: very good
Solve 3: oll parity but pll skip let's gooo
Solve 4: oll parity but no pll skip this time how sad
Solve 5: I messed up during center making + oll parity
Surprised I didn't get a single pll parity
3x3x3 one-handed
2023-3514539.0250.04I have never practised oh and don't plan to but just felt that my oh times needed an update with how much faster my 3x3 times have become 46.95(57.01)48.74(39.02)54.44
2023-2915945.891:14.15My left hand is so tired, probably should have learnt how to properly hold the cube and turn with one hand first. 3rd solve I forgot how to do a v perm without muscle memory, oof1:20.81(45.89)(DNF)1:17.551:04.08
3x3x3 Match the scramble
2023-35101:56.932:25.60I swear I'm not trying to +2 on purpose 2:52.382:23.72(2:56.03)2:00.70(1:56.93)
2021-32626.9813.39Solve 4 was so lucky12.6812.8814.62(6.98)(16.71)
2021-317210.4813.88I did not expect such good times
Honestly i don't practise pyraminx much
Got too excited on solve number 4
2021-307616.1419.25Just got my pyraminx yesterday
I don't know if they are bad times