Speedsolving.com ID | Kinch Score | Competitions | Completed Solves |
CraigBouchard | 6.64 | 4 | 97 |
Event | SR | Single | Average | SR | Kinch Score |
2x2x2 | 4726 | 6.80Week 2008-01 14.13 6.80 8.38 8.80 11.16 | 9.45Week 2008-01 22nd Place 14.13 6.80 8.38 8.80 11.16 | 4703 | 8.15 |
3x3x3 | 3055 | 13.05Week 2007-44 14.50 14.43 17.50 15.66 13.05 | 14.86Week 2007-44 2nd Place 14.50 14.43 17.50 15.66 13.05 | 2787 | 31.18 |
4x4x4 | 2773 | 1:18.03Week 2008-01 1:22.68 1:37.52 1:44.41 1:22.37 1:18.03 | 1:27.52Week 2008-01 10th Place 1:22.68 1:37.52 1:44.41 1:22.37 1:18.03 | 2706 | 26.61 |
5x5x5 | 1845 | 2:24.33Week 2008-01 2:50.96 2:24.33 3:00.31 2:39.88 2:31.44 | 2:40.76Week 2008-01 8th Place 2:50.96 2:24.33 3:00.31 2:39.88 2:31.44 | 1844 | 27.68 |
2x2x2 blindfolded | 1607 | 47.03Week 2007-44 7th Place 1:00.91 47.03 DNS | 3.49 | ||
3x3x3 blindfolded | 677 | 1:47.47Week 2008-01 7th Place 2:41.53 DNF 1:47.47 | 12.09 | ||
4x4x4 blindfolded | 377 | 20:52.00Week 2008-01 5th Place DNF DNF 20:52.00 | 6.55 | ||
3x3x3 multiple blindfolded | 547 | DNFWeek 2008-01 5th Place 0/2 20:00 I attempted 2 and DNFed (don't remember which ones) But the time was 5:xx It was close though... | 0.00 | ||
3x3x3 one-handed | 2424 | 29.15Week 2008-01 47.34 36.27 29.15 40.28 37.18 | 37.91Week 2008-01 14th Place 47.34 36.27 29.15 40.28 37.18 | 2525 | 21.16 |
3x3x3 With feet | 466 | 2:47.38Week 2008-01 2:47.38 3:43.22 3:41.38 3:11.15 3:11.02 | 3:21.18Week 2008-01 1st Place 2:47.38 3:43.22 3:41.38 3:11.15 3:11.02 | 437 | 9.87 |
3x3x3 Fewest moves | 829 | 47Week 2008-01 15th Place 47 | 36.17 | ||
2-3-4-5 Relay | 1436 | 4:42.91Week 2007-44 5th Place 4:42.91 | 28.02 | ||
Clock | 1462 | 17.86Week 2008-01 19.25 20.36 19.13 17.86 DNF | 19.58Week 2008-01 2nd Place 19.25 20.36 19.13 17.86 DNF | 1389 | 10.84 |
Pyraminx | 2643 | 8.43Week 2008-01 18.09 8.43 24.77 13.83 20.22 | 17.38Week 2008-01 7th Place 18.09 8.43 24.77 13.83 20.22 | 3183 | 6.58 |
Square-1 | 1962 | 1:08.43Week 2007-44 3:10.28 1:33.00 1:49.93 1:08.43 1:56.34 | 1:46.42Week 2007-44 3rd Place 3:10.28 1:33.00 1:49.93 1:08.43 1:56.34 | 1972 | 4.17 |
Magic | 59 | 1.06Week 2007-44 1.11 1.25 1.09 1.09 1.06 | 1.10Week 2007-44 2nd Place 1.11 1.25 1.09 1.09 1.06 | 45 | 70.61 |
Gold | Silver | Bronze |
2 | 3 | 2 |
Competition | Place | Single | Average | Solves | ||||
2x2x2 | ||||||||
2008-01 | 22 | 6.80 | 9.45 | (14.13) | (6.80) | 8.38 | 8.80 | 11.16 |
2007-44 | 12 | 10.18 | 12.72 | (13.75) | 13.31 | 13.56 | (10.18) | 11.30 |
3x3x3 | ||||||||
2013-43 | 20 | 14.56 | 16.29Bleh...terrible | 17.33 | (14.56) | 16.52 | 15.03 | (19.61) |
2008-01 | 9 | 15.06 | 16.17 | 15.84 | 16.22 | 16.46 | (17.55) | (15.06) |
2007-44 | 2 | 13.05 | 14.86 | 14.50 | 14.43 | (17.50) | 15.66 | (13.05) |
4x4x4 | ||||||||
2008-01 | 10 | 1:18.03 | 1:27.52 | 1:22.68 | 1:37.52 | (1:44.41) | 1:22.37 | (1:18.03) |
2007-44 | 6 | 1:26.85 | 1:30.67 | 1:31.05 | (1:38.94) | 1:31.52 | 1:29.44 | (1:26.85) |
5x5x5 | ||||||||
2008-01 | 8 | 2:24.33 | 2:40.76 | 2:50.96 | (2:24.33) | (3:00.31) | 2:39.88 | 2:31.44 |
2007-44 | 6 | 2:39.84 | 2:53.62 | 2:57.93 | 2:58.46 | (2:39.84) | (3:08.22) | 2:44.47 |
2x2x2 blindfolded | ||||||||
2008-01 | 9 | 50.88 | DNF | 50.88 | DNF | 1:16.08 | ||
2007-44 | 7 | 47.03 | DNF | 1:00.91 | 47.03 | DNS | ||
3x3x3 blindfolded | ||||||||
2008-01 | 7 | 1:47.47 | DNF | 2:41.53 | DNF | 1:47.47 | ||
2007-46 | 6 | 2:15.13 | DNF | DNF | 2:15.13 | DNS | ||
2007-44 | 5 | 2:58.44 | DNF | 3:01.97 | 2:58.44 | DNS | ||
4x4x4 blindfolded | ||||||||
2008-01 | 5 | 20:52.00 | DNF | DNF | DNF | 20:52.00 | ||
2007-46 | 1 | 25:20.00 | DNF | 25:20.00 | DNF | DNS | ||
3x3x3 multiple blindfolded | ||||||||
2008-01 | 5 | DNFI attempted 2 and DNFed (don't remember which ones) But the time was 5:xx It was close though... | 0/2 20:00 | |||||
3x3x3 one-handed | ||||||||
2008-01 | 14 | 29.15 | 37.91 | (47.34) | 36.27 | (29.15) | 40.28 | 37.18 |
2007-44 | 7 | 31.47 | 39.66 | 41.13 | (31.47) | 43.30 | (43.96) | 34.55 |
3x3x3 With feet | ||||||||
2008-01 | 1 | 2:47.38 | 3:21.18 | (2:47.38) | (3:43.22) | 3:41.38 | 3:11.15 | 3:11.02 |
3x3x3 Fewest moves | ||||||||
2008-01 | 15 | 47 | 47 | |||||
2-3-4-5 Relay | ||||||||
2007-44 | 5 | 4:42.91 | 4:42.91 | |||||
Clock | ||||||||
2008-01 | 2 | 17.86 | 19.58 | 19.25 | 20.36 | 19.13 | (17.86) | (DNF) |
Pyraminx | ||||||||
2008-01 | 7 | 8.43 | 17.38 | 18.09 | (8.43) | (24.77) | 13.83 | 20.22 |
2007-44 | 3 | 21.00 | 24.43 | (28.30) | 26.55 | 24.68 | 22.06 | (21.00) |
Square-1 | ||||||||
2007-44 | 3 | 1:08.43 | 1:46.42 | (3:10.28) | 1:33.00 | 1:49.93 | (1:08.43) | 1:56.34 |
Magic | ||||||||
2007-44 | 2 | 1.06 | 1.10 | 1.11 | (1.25) | 1.09 | 1.09 | (1.06) |