Noah Segal ID Kinch Score Competitions Completed Solves
TheCube4226 10.52 11 331

Current Personal Records

Event SR Single Average SR Kinch Score
2x2x221902.59Week 2019-41
4.12   3.90   3.81   4.50   2.59
My Valk was downstairs so I did this on a WeiPo. Counting 4 sucked
3.48Week 2019-40
47th Place
4.01   3.82   3.20   3.19   3.43
Nice. Sub-3.5 is always good
3x3x38787.88Week 2019-38
10.80   12.47   15.03   7.88   12.58
- Second solve had bad LL
- Third solve was just bad
- Fourth solve almost PB. FULL LL SKIP. WTF JUST HAPPENED
Sub-12 average is pretty good for me. That counting 20 is what did it. Not my most consistent ao5 but I'll take a sub-8 any day
11.95Week 2019-38
74th Place
10.80   12.47   15.03   7.88   12.58
- Second solve had bad LL
- Third solve was just bad
- Fourth solve almost PB. FULL LL SKIP. WTF JUST HAPPENED
Sub-12 average is pretty good for me. That counting 20 is what did it. Not my most consistent ao5 but I'll take a sub-8 any day
4x4x4154948.48Week 2019-40
48.48   1:04.16   53.13   52.18   55.42
NP, NP (Timer wouldn't stop and screwed the first half of the solve anyway), OP (Timer didn't start and I didn't realized 'til I finished the solve. Would've been like a 46-48. Had to do it again though obviously), NP, OP. Really weird average. Turned out not being as bad as I expected
53.58Week 2019-40
58th Place
48.48   1:04.16   53.13   52.18   55.42
NP, NP (Timer wouldn't stop and screwed the first half of the solve anyway), OP (Timer didn't start and I didn't realized 'til I finished the solve. Would've been like a 46-48. Had to do it again though obviously), NP, OP. Really weird average. Turned out not being as bad as I expected
5x5x514611:52.41Week 2019-38
2:01.68   2:09.26   2:01.56   1:52.41   2:02.39
Not a good average. Counting solves were very consistent and the outliers follows the same curve. Weird average but satisfying for any statistician to look at lol
2:01.88Week 2019-38
55th Place
2:01.68   2:09.26   2:01.56   1:52.41   2:02.39
Not a good average. Counting solves were very consistent and the outliers follows the same curve. Weird average but satisfying for any statistician to look at lol
6x6x611604:55.92Week 2019-38
5:05.63   5:16.82   4:55.92   DNS   DNS
5:01.49Week 2019-27
42nd Place
4:58.40   5:00.36   6:07.74   4:59.80   5:04.30
Screwed up centers on solves 2 and 3
Got PLL parity on solve 2 and OLL parity on solve 4.
I just wanted a sub-5 average lmao but oh well
2x2x2 blindfolded3595.88Week 2019-41
16th Place
DNF   5.88   40.91
38.16Week 2019-40
32.97   36.71   44.81
Good. Memo's all sucked, especially all sucked, but I'm just getting faster if. My execution on solve 1 took about 45 minutes and that solve totally should've been like a 26.
3x3x3 one-handed98816.65Week 2019-36
16.65   29.05   30.63   26.54   25.19
Decent average, really good single. Bery easy and fluid F2L, easy OLL, PLL skip
24.08Week 2019-44
57th Place
24.12   21.40   26.60   25.25   22.88
Did a new setup on my main. Still using the same TengYun tho. Haven't practiced in OH in weeks
Bad PLL on first solve. Would've been like 22
2nd solve had PLL skip. Hesitated too long before OLL
E perm ruined solve 4
Pretty ok average for me. Could've been better. No particularly bad solves
3x3x3 Match the scramble4521:09.37Week 2019-38
1:55.64   1:24.66   2:29.08   1:27.14   1:09.37
1:22.79Week 2019-41
8th Place
1:23.31   1:22.61   DNF   1:22.45   1:19.07
Screwed up 3 times on solve 3 so I just gave up and DNF'd lol.
Otherwise, very consistent
2-3-4 Relay11241:13.25Week 2019-38
31st Place
2x2 solve felt like a low 3.
3x3 felt like a mid 12.
4x4 I couldn't tell. My F2C was awful and my cross edges weren't good either but my half centers, 3-2-3, and 3x3 stage were all super nice.
Megaminx7691:22.21Week 2019-39
1:47.90   1:38.78   1:22.21   1:35.88   1:48.59
Solve 3 is an overall PB single
Last solved ruined the average. My F2L was like 40 seconds and my S2L had a ton of bad pauses. Not even sub-1:40 average. Ew.
1:40.85Week 2019-39
26th Place
1:47.90   1:38.78   1:22.21   1:35.88   1:48.59
Solve 3 is an overall PB single
Last solved ruined the average. My F2L was like 40 seconds and my S2L had a ton of bad pauses. Not even sub-1:40 average. Ew.
Pyraminx18855.38Week 2019-28
12.69   13.95   15.37   5.38   10.91
Good single
9.94Week 2019-39
80th Place
11.24   9.21   10.42   7.80   10.20
How the hell did I get a sub-10 average lol
Skewb22029.64Week 2019-39
23.70   9.64   19.60   22.36   12.20
I haven't touched a skewb in 4 months. Literally have not touched one.
Consistency? Never heard of it.
14.01Week 2019-40
93rd Place
16.99   11.12   11.37   14.12   16.55
Can I get... Like... A participation award or something...?
Kilominx12523.77Week 2019-28
35.62   23.77   44.07   47.57   34.12
Good single. Weird average
37.94Week 2019-28
7th Place
35.62   23.77   44.07   47.57   34.12
Good single. Weird average

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 0 0


Competition Place Single Average Solves
2019-41492.593.94My Valk was downstairs so I did this on a WeiPo. Counting 4 sucked4.123.903.81(4.50)(2.59)
2019-40473.193.48Nice. Sub-3.5 is always good(4.01)3.823.20(3.19)3.43
2019-39543.543.85Solve 5 had the worst PBL for me. Solve 4 had R2 F2 R2. No good singles but the average could've been worse3.643.814.09(3.54)(4.49)
2019-38623.173.96New main. Switched to a Valk2 that I set up Angstrom style.
- Solve 1 was a CLL I knew
- Messed up solve 3 :/
- Solve 4 had an OLL skip
- Messed up Solve 5 as well
Would've been a good average if I didn't have that counting 4.90
2019-24913.954.23Decent average. Solved on a YJ MGC3.97(5.06)4.56(3.95)4.16
2019-418411.1712.49Solve 1 had an Nb perm so I have an excuse for that one lol. Solve 5 just sucked. Bad OLL and E perm didn't help13.1612.7311.58(11.17)(13.83)
2019-408512.4513.17Bad lighting and scrambles all sucked. Last week I got a sub-12 average and now I'm getting this shit. Might try again tomorrow when I have decent lighting12.6413.4413.43(17.40)(12.45)
2019-398810.3812.90Transitioning to a new main at the moment. Going from a Mystic WR M to a GTS3 M.
Solve 1 should've been sub-10. Easy white X-cross
Messed up my R perm on solve 2
Took me about 10 minutes to recognize my V perm on solve 3 lmao
Counting 14 ruined the average. I can't believe I had two 14 seconds solves. Was hoping for a sub-12.5 average but whatever
2019-38747.8811.95 - Second solve had bad LL
- Third solve was just bad
- Fourth solve almost PB. FULL LL SKIP. WTF JUST HAPPENED
Sub-12 average is pretty good for me. That counting 20 is what did it. Not my most consistent ao5 but I'll take a sub-8 any day
2019-2910113.2214.27pretty standard(13.22)14.15(16.88)13.4815.17
2019-287712.2713.11Really weird average lol(12.27)12.9912.95(18.04)13.40
2019-2410311.9113.64Decent average. Solved on an MF3RS2 M(16.43)(11.91)14.1612.9613.81
2019-2010413.5515.25This is literally a second slower than my actual 3x3 average lol14.7914.36(13.55)16.61(16.90)
2019-405848.4853.58NP, NP (Timer wouldn't stop and screwed the first half of the solve anyway), OP (Timer didn't start and I didn't realized 'til I finished the solve. Would've been like a 46-48. Had to do it again though obviously), NP, OP. Really weird average. Turned out not being as bad as I expected(48.48)(1:04.16)53.1352.1855.42
2019-396449.3754.88OP, DP, DP, DP, DP
Stupid parity ruined my average and my single lol
2019-385250.3154.07 - OLL parity on solve 1
- Double parity on solve 2
- OLL parity on solve 3. Really nice solve until 3x3 stage which sucked.
- PLL parity on solve 4. Ruined the solve. F2C, Cross Edge, Half centers, and the beginning of 3-2-3 were all really good. Then I messed up L3E and screwed up F2L lol then double parity.
- No parity but bad solve. Messed up literally every step except 3x3 stage.
Not a great average or a good single. Oh Well.
2019-367350.8155.03Weird average. Super inconsistent57.36(50.81)(58.80)51.5256.20
2019-298356.1559.35First solve messed up on cross edges.
Good average. I got a new cube yesterday (Mystic Valk 4 M) so it's still getting broken in.
2019-278155.7059.01Solve 1: OLL parity, forced PLL skip (F R' F' R U R U' R')
Solve 2: No parity
Solve 3: No parity
Solve 4: OLL parity
Solve 5: No parity
Really good average! I usually average like 1:05!
2019-248253.771:00.371. Double parity
2. No parity
3. OLL Parity
4. OLL Parity
5. Overal PB! (No parity)
PB ao5! Solved on AoSu GTS2 M
2019-201001:22.051:28.15I'm in the process of learning half-centers for Yau so this is roughly 15 seconds slower than it would be if I wasn't trying to use HC.1:23.181:34.09(1:22.05)1:27.17(1:39.76)
2019-38551:52.412:01.88Not a good average. Counting solves were very consistent and the outliers follows the same curve. Weird average but satisfying for any statistician to look at lol2:01.68(2:09.26)2:01.56(1:52.41)2:02.39
2019-27662:11.562:20.02Not great2:20.11(2:11.56)(2:22.30)2:20.132:19.82
2019-27424:58.405:01.49Screwed up centers on solves 2 and 3
Got PLL parity on solve 2 and OLL parity on solve 4.
I just wanted a sub-5 average lmao but oh well
2019-20415:15.62DNFOLL Parity(5:15.62)(DNS)DNSDNSDNS
2x2x2 blindfolded
2019-403332.9738.16Good. Memo's all sucked, especially all sucked, but I'm just getting faster if. My execution on solve 1 took about 45 minutes and that solve totally should've been like a 26.32.9736.7144.81
2019-393431.1841.75Solve 2 was really bad for memo and then I had a huge pause32.571:01.5031.18
2019-383833.87DNF - Good memo on solve 1
- Solve 2 DNF. Off by one swap. Oops.
- Normal solve.

So close to getting another mean :(
2019-364939.6341.88I might be the only person in the history of BLD to +2 a BLD solve. My last letter was R but for some reason instead of D' F after the alg I did D' F'. Sometimes I hate myself40.9239.6345.10
3x3x3 one-handed
2019-445721.4024.08Did a new setup on my main. Still using the same TengYun tho. Haven't practiced in OH in weeks
Bad PLL on first solve. Would've been like 22
2nd solve had PLL skip. Hesitated too long before OLL
E perm ruined solve 4
Pretty ok average for me. Could've been better. No particularly bad solves
2019-405722.5124.68Started using a modded TengYun as my OH main and it's helping my times a lot. I'm not even surprised I got a sub-25 average. First solve could've been sub-20 but guess who took an hour and a half to execute their A-perm!!25.00(30.33)24.7724.28(22.51)
2019-397024.8528.04I've been practicing OH a little. I've been averaging closer to 27 but this is ok ig28.1727.1428.82(34.28)(24.85)
2019-386222.5327.11 - Solve 1, bad last layer.
- Solve 2, easy LL.
- Solve 3, pretty standard.
- Solve 4, easy cross.
- Solve 5, Gd perm. Good for OH.
27 average is actually quite decent for me. Although I have no idea what I would actually average in OH as I don't practice lol.
2019-367616.6526.93Decent average, really good single. Bery easy and fluid F2L, easy OLL, PLL skip(16.65)29.05(30.63)26.5425.19
2019-278026.1229.14At least it was sub-30 lmao(33.16)29.84(26.12)29.8327.75
2019-248928.4929.46Good average. Solved on MF3RS2 M(28.49)28.55(32.42)31.2328.60
3x3x3 With feet
2019-2716DNFDNFFirst time trying that. Also my last time trying that. Feet is stupidDNF(DNS)DNSDNSDNS
3x3x3 Match the scramble
2019-4181:19.071:22.79Screwed up 3 times on solve 3 so I just gave up and DNF'd lol.
Otherwise, very consistent
2019-4071:20.031:49.79I messed up so many times on LL(2:14.71)(1:20.03)1:36.011:52.122:01.24
2019-3991:38.542:11.01My best solve this time was worse than my last average. I'm too tired for this2:03.852:41.22(2:43.78)(1:38.54)1:47.95
2019-24152:26.833:03.65I've never timed myself doing this before so I'm not sure how my times will match up(2:26.83)3:14.022:53.933:03.01(3:22.22)
3x3x3 Fewest moves
2019-3823DNFDNFI messed up :(DNFDNSDNS
2-3-4 Relay
2019-38311:13.252x2 solve felt like a low 3.
3x3 felt like a mid 12.
4x4 I couldn't tell. My F2C was awful and my cross edges weren't good either but my half centers, 3-2-3, and 3x3 stage were all super nice.
2019-39261:22.211:40.85Solve 3 is an overall PB single
Last solved ruined the average. My F2L was like 40 seconds and my S2L had a ton of bad pauses. Not even sub-1:40 average. Ew.
2019-38311:38.721:42.14Started practicing mega a few days ago. I love solving it but I despise scrambling megaminx. I've been well sub-1:40 the past few days. Other than a bunch of bad F2Ls, I'm not sure why I'm so slow right now.
- Got a corner twist on solve 4.
Bad average.
2019-36381:32.381:45.55Good single and a bad single. Really inconsistent but the counting solves were pretty representative of my global average. I want to start practicing mega1:47.61(1:32.38)(2:04.33)1:48.241:40.79
2019-27381:42.331:51.83I haven't practiced megaminx in weeks(1:42.33)1:55.251:54.79(2:18.24)1:45.45
2019-40967.3211.25Consistent except for that 7 lol11.55(11.76)11.30(7.32)10.91
2019-39807.809.94How the hell did I get a sub-10 average lol(11.24)9.2110.42(7.80)10.20
2019-38958.8214.71I haven't touched a pyraminx in months. This average was bad even for me lol I'm usually sub-1213.95(8.82)16.91(17.63)13.28
2019-28875.3812.52Good single12.6913.95(15.37)(5.38)10.91
2019-241038.7111.37Good averagea. Solved on YuXin HuangLong M(14.01)11.09(8.71)12.2410.78
2019-409311.1214.01Can I get... Like... A participation award or something...?(16.99)(11.12)11.3714.1216.55
2019-39829.6418.05I haven't touched a skewb in 4 months. Literally have not touched one.
Consistency? Never heard of it.
2019-279612.6015.77I don't do skewb lol15.35(12.60)(22.21)16.6515.31
2019-361338.7544.23Takes longer to scramble than to solve. Horrible average40.6746.56(38.75)45.46(55.41)
2019-28723.7737.94Good single. Weird average35.62(23.77)44.07(47.57)34.12
2019-27932.0238.70I don't remember all of my OLL algs :(39.81(32.02)(51.91)36.8539.44