Speedsolving.com ID | Kinch Score | Competitions | Completed Solves |
CJCubing | 7.29 | 3 | 101 |
Event | SR | Single | Average | SR | Kinch Score |
2x2x2 | 1107 | 1.67Week 2019-11 5.69 8.66 10.27 8.14 1.67 1.67 Lucky Solve. 10.27 Bad Solve. | 7.50Week 2019-11 144th Place 5.69 8.66 10.27 8.14 1.67 1.67 Lucky Solve. 10.27 Bad Solve. | 4183 | 10.27 |
3x3x3 | 4150 | 16.47Week 2019-11 19.60 16.47 26.03 17.68 19.95 A very Good Average! I made a sub-20 Avg of 5! Solves were easy, and the solves were fluid and fast! | 19.08Week 2019-11 157th Place 19.60 16.47 26.03 17.68 19.95 A very Good Average! I made a sub-20 Avg of 5! Solves were easy, and the solves were fluid and fast! | 4020 | 24.29 |
4x4x4 | 1608 | 49.51Week 2019-11 59.59 57.25 49.51 59.89 1:01.15 Improved. | 58.91Week 2019-11 70th Place 59.59 57.25 49.51 59.89 1:01.15 Improved. | 1738 | 39.53 |
2x2x2 blindfolded | 404 | 6.35Week 2019-09 2nd Place 20.11 6.35 20.29 | 15.58Week 2019-09 20.11 6.35 20.29 | 483 | 25.83 |
3x3x3 multiple blindfolded | 538 | DNFWeek 2019-04 7th Place 1/2 45 Hard event, with all the memorizing but fun! | 0.00 | ||
3x3x3 one-handed | 3143 | 42.19Week 2019-04 50.11 46.23 1:21.22 42.19 42.65 | 46.33Week 2019-04 135th Place 50.11 46.23 1:21.22 42.19 42.65 | 2941 | 17.31 |
3x3x3 With feet | 93 | 46.05Week 2019-04 1:04.22 51.25 52.34 54.89 46.05 Event is hard to control, since your feet are not supposed to be the ones solving the cube. | 52.83Week 2019-04 8th Place 1:04.22 51.25 52.34 54.89 46.05 Event is hard to control, since your feet are not supposed to be the ones solving the cube. | 78 | 37.59 |
Clock | 1703 | 32.16Week 2019-09 32.84 42.08 37.92 1:07.27 32.16 | 37.61Week 2019-09 43rd Place 32.84 42.08 37.92 1:07.27 32.16 | 1675 | 5.65 |
Megaminx | 828 | 1:25.49Week 2019-04 1:32.19 1:25.49 1:27.38 1:46.39 2:56.41 | 1:35.32Week 2019-04 28th Place 1:32.19 1:25.49 1:27.38 1:46.39 2:56.41 | 798 | 31.05 |
Pyraminx | 1589 | 4.62Week 2019-11 24.96 8.88 4.62 11.22 11.63 Better average with a +2 in the 4th solve. | 10.58Week 2019-11 91st Place 24.96 8.88 4.62 11.22 11.63 Better average with a +2 in the 4th solve. | 2346 | 10.81 |
Square-1 | 1758 | 41.25Week 2019-04 41.25 55.95 1:53.97 57.76 59.71 Didn't Practice that much. Slow, but good enough for me. | 57.81Week 2019-04 69th Place 41.25 55.95 1:53.97 57.76 59.71 Didn't Practice that much. Slow, but good enough for me. | 1762 | 7.67 |
Skewb | 1510 | 5.37Week 2019-04 7.56 5.37 5.89 5.67 8.49 Average is 6.37 3x3 AsR by Leo Borromeo ;) | 6.37Week 2019-04 43rd Place 7.56 5.37 5.89 5.67 8.49 Average is 6.37 3x3 AsR by Leo Borromeo ;) | 1006 | 20.50 |
Kilominx | 484 | 48.41Week 2019-04 53.44 49.47 55.37 49.98 48.41 | 50.96Week 2019-04 21st Place 53.44 49.47 55.37 49.98 48.41 | 403 | 24.77 |
Gold | Silver | Bronze |
0 | 1 | 0 |
Competition | Place | Single | Average | Solves | ||||
2x2x2 | ||||||||
2019-11 | 144 | 1.67 | 7.501.67 Lucky Solve. 10.27 Bad Solve. | 5.69 | 8.66 | (10.27) | 8.14 | (1.67) |
2019-09 | 153 | 5.59 | 8.48Good time for me. | 8.91 | 7.54 | 9.00 | (5.59) | (9.49) |
2019-04 | 192 | 9.78 | 15.79Slow, since I don't practice 2x2. But just competing for fun :) | 16.37 | 14.23 | 16.76 | (9.78) | (17.33) |
3x3x3 | ||||||||
2019-11 | 157 | 16.47 | 19.08A very Good Average! I made a sub-20 Avg of 5! Solves were easy, and the solves were fluid and fast! | 19.60 | (16.47) | (26.03) | 17.68 | 19.95 |
2019-09 | 179 | 23.52 | 25.72Good Average. | 25.97 | (23.52) | 26.42 | 24.76 | (33.59) |
2019-04 | 210 | 22.13 | 30.64Good average for me, not that fast. But still, a mediocre average. :) | 29.16 | (35.03) | 31.16 | (22.13) | 31.59 |
4x4x4 | ||||||||
2019-11 | 70 | 49.51 | 58.91Improved. | 59.59 | 57.25 | (49.51) | 59.89 | (1:01.15) |
2019-04 | 145 | 3:25.03 | 3:40.93Like a normal 6x6 time on a 4x4. Pretty slow, due to lack of practice, but I'm just new to 4x4 with the Yau Method, sill a lot of fun solving! | 3:35.00 | 3:29.16 | (3:25.03) | 3:58.63 | (9:22.48) |
2x2x2 blindfolded | ||||||||
2019-09 | 2 | 6.35 | 15.58 | 20.11 | 6.35 | 20.29 | ||
2019-04 | 41 | 26.90 | 38.45Nice event, genuinely hard, but not that easy either. | 53.96 | 26.90 | 34.49 | ||
3x3x3 multiple blindfolded | ||||||||
2019-04 | 7 | DNFHard event, with all the memorizing but fun! | 1/2 45 | |||||
3x3x3 one-handed | ||||||||
2019-11 | 121 | 59.81 | 1:09.88 | (1:20.63) | 1:15.14 | (59.81) | 1:05.16 | 1:09.35 |
2019-04 | 135 | 42.19 | 46.33 | 50.11 | 46.23 | (1:21.22) | (42.19) | 42.65 |
3x3x3 With feet | ||||||||
2019-04 | 8 | 46.05 | 52.83Event is hard to control, since your feet are not supposed to be the ones solving the cube. | (1:04.22) | 51.25 | 52.34 | 54.89 | (46.05) |
Clock | ||||||||
2019-09 | 43 | 32.16 | 37.61 | 32.84 | 42.08 | 37.92 | (1:07.27) | (32.16) |
Megaminx | ||||||||
2019-04 | 28 | 1:25.49 | 1:35.32 | 1:32.19 | (1:25.49) | 1:27.38 | 1:46.39 | (2:56.41) |
Pyraminx | ||||||||
2019-11 | 91 | 4.62 | 10.58Better average with a +2 in the 4th solve. | (24.96) | 8.88 | (4.62) | 11.22 | 11.63 |
2019-09 | 107 | 9.03 | 12.41Improved a bit. | 12.53 | (9.03) | (14.02) | 13.09 | 11.62 |
2019-04 | 132 | 10.14 | 17.62Not a good time for Pyraminx average, since I don't practice that much. Mediocre average to be honest | 20.57 | 15.27 | 17.03 | (10.14) | (31.79) |
Square-1 | ||||||||
2019-04 | 69 | 41.25 | 57.81Didn't Practice that much. Slow, but good enough for me. | (41.25) | 55.95 | (1:53.97) | 57.76 | 59.71 |
Skewb | ||||||||
2019-04 | 43 | 5.37 | 6.37Average is 6.37 3x3 AsR by Leo Borromeo ;) | 7.56 | (5.37) | 5.89 | 5.67 | (8.49) |
Kilominx | ||||||||
2019-04 | 21 | 48.41 | 50.96 | 53.44 | 49.47 | (55.37) | 49.98 | (48.41) |