Speedsolving.com ID | Kinch Score | Competitions | Completed Solves |
DatFatCat137 | 5.88 | 3 | 130 |
Event | SR | Single | Average | SR | Kinch Score |
2x2x2 | 3374 | 3.87Week 2018-03 7.24 3.87 8.61 10.07 11.89 i need to tension my cube | 8.61Week 2018-18 113th Place 8.10 9.23 8.89 8.84 6.42 | 4496 | 8.94 |
3x3x3 | 5282 | 22.41Week 2018-03 28.79 22.41 29.19 25.30 23.09 | 25.73Week 2018-03 134th Place 28.79 22.41 29.19 25.30 23.09 | 5150 | 18.01 |
4x4x4 | 3429 | 2:01.64Week 2018-18 2:38.06 2:01.64 2:28.71 2:13.62 2:18.28 | 2:19.32Week 2018-03 105th Place 2:18.96 2:29.85 2:21.52 2:17.48 2:10.95 | 3401 | 16.72 |
5x5x5 | 2291 | 4:06.71Week 2018-03 5:05.67 4:32.78 5:13.85 5:07.05 4:06.71 wow that last solve was great | 4:27.92Week 2018-18 76th Place 5:35.21 4:21.52 4:37.35 4:24.90 4:08.14 | 2235 | 16.61 |
6x6x6 | 1280 | 7:36.15Week 2018-18 8:09.44 7:36.15 9:16.67 8:00.73 8:09.28 | 8:06.48Week 2018-18 35th Place 8:09.44 7:36.15 9:16.67 8:00.73 8:09.28 | 1240 | 16.91 |
2x2x2 blindfolded | 1817 | 1:15.67Week 2018-18 44th Place 1:15.67 DNF 1:41.47 | 2.17 | ||
3x3x3 one-handed | 3529 | 1:00.27Week 2018-03 1:00.27 1:19.60 1:20.01 1:38.95 1:37.56 | 1:25.72Week 2018-03 98th Place 1:00.27 1:19.60 1:20.01 1:38.95 1:37.56 | 3572 | 9.36 |
3x3x3 Match the scramble | 1078 | 2:57.28Week 2018-03 3:06.55 4:01.74 DNF 4:46.07 2:57.28 idk how you guys do this so fast | 3:58.12Week 2018-03 34th Place 3:06.55 4:01.74 DNF 4:46.07 2:57.28 idk how you guys do this so fast | 981 | 4.91 |
2-3-4 Relay | 2555 | 2:42.45Week 2018-18 59th Place 2:42.45 | 19.47 | ||
2-3-4-5 Relay | 1686 | 7:20.79Week 2018-18 40th Place 7:20.79 | 17.98 | ||
2-3-4-5-6 Relay | 717 | 14:38.70Week 2018-18 17th Place 14:38.70 | 20.36 | ||
Megaminx | 1696 | 4:09.89Week 2018-03 4:37.30 4:09.89 4:39.80 4:45.04 4:38.76 bad | 4:38.62Week 2018-03 57th Place 4:37.30 4:09.89 4:39.80 4:45.04 4:38.76 bad | 1649 | 10.62 |
Pyraminx | 2751 | 9.03Week 2018-03 9.62 9.03 9.41 13.68 14.34 first three were pretty consistent | 10.90Week 2018-03 72nd Place 9.62 9.03 9.41 13.68 14.34 first three were pretty consistent | 2392 | 10.49 |
Square-1 | 1650 | 35.60Week 2018-18 58.21 35.60 52.30 59.94 1:28.54 | 48.73Week 2018-03 56th Place 43.26 46.02 1:11.08 54.53 45.65 wow really good average for me | 1628 | 9.10 |
Skewb | 2327 | 11.19Week 2018-18 13.26 16.38 11.19 11.76 20.37 | 13.80Week 2018-18 61st Place 13.26 16.38 11.19 11.76 20.37 | 2138 | 9.47 |
Kilominx | 602 | 1:08.26Week 2018-18 1:25.14 1:27.11 1:28.57 1:08.26 1:41.28 | 1:26.94Week 2018-18 12th Place 1:25.14 1:27.11 1:28.57 1:08.26 1:41.28 | 606 | 14.52 |
Gold | Silver | Bronze |
0 | 0 | 0 |
Competition | Place | Single | Average | Solves | ||||
2x2x2 | ||||||||
2018-18 | 113 | 6.42 | 8.61 | 8.10 | (9.23) | 8.89 | 8.84 | (6.42) |
2018-04 | 112 | 7.22 | 9.73 | 9.50 | 9.94 | (7.22) | 9.74 | (10.75) |
2018-03 | 126 | 3.87 | 8.64i need to tension my cube | 7.24 | (3.87) | 8.61 | 10.07 | (11.89) |
3x3x3 | ||||||||
2018-18 | 134 | 26.04 | 28.00 | (30.81) | 29.47 | 26.80 | (26.04) | 27.73 |
2018-04 | 127 | 24.50 | 26.46 | 26.73 | (27.23) | (24.50) | 26.59 | 26.07 |
2018-03 | 134 | 22.41 | 25.73 | 28.79 | (22.41) | (29.19) | 25.30 | 23.09 |
4x4x4 | ||||||||
2018-18 | 91 | 2:01.64 | 2:20.20 | (2:38.06) | (2:01.64) | 2:28.71 | 2:13.62 | 2:18.28 |
2018-03 | 105 | 2:10.95 | 2:19.32 | 2:18.96 | (2:29.85) | 2:21.52 | 2:17.48 | (2:10.95) |
5x5x5 | ||||||||
2018-18 | 76 | 4:08.14 | 4:27.92 | (5:35.21) | 4:21.52 | 4:37.35 | 4:24.90 | (4:08.14) |
2018-03 | 74 | 4:06.71 | 4:55.17wow that last solve was great | 5:05.67 | 4:32.78 | (5:13.85) | 5:07.05 | (4:06.71) |
6x6x6 | ||||||||
2018-18 | 35 | 7:36.15 | 8:06.48 | 8:09.44 | (7:36.15) | (9:16.67) | 8:00.73 | 8:09.28 |
2018-03 | 40 | 8:08.06 | 8:32.70 | 8:35.08 | (9:06.54) | 8:15.40 | (8:08.06) | 8:47.61 |
2x2x2 blindfolded | ||||||||
2018-18 | 44 | 1:15.67 | DNF | 1:15.67 | DNF | 1:41.47 | ||
3x3x3 one-handed | ||||||||
2018-18 | 90 | 1:03.50 | 1:29.52 | 1:29.39 | 1:30.57 | (1:45.24) | (1:03.50) | 1:28.61 |
2018-03 | 98 | 1:00.27 | 1:25.72 | (1:00.27) | 1:19.60 | 1:20.01 | (1:38.95) | 1:37.56 |
3x3x3 Match the scramble | ||||||||
2018-03 | 34 | 2:57.28 | 3:58.12idk how you guys do this so fast | 3:06.55 | 4:01.74 | (DNF) | 4:46.07 | (2:57.28) |
2-3-4 Relay | ||||||||
2018-18 | 59 | 2:42.45 | 2:42.45 | |||||
2018-03 | 75 | 2:58.81 | 2:58.81 | |||||
2-3-4-5 Relay | ||||||||
2018-18 | 40 | 7:20.79 | 7:20.79 | |||||
2-3-4-5-6 Relay | ||||||||
2018-18 | 17 | 14:38.70 | 14:38.70 | |||||
Megaminx | ||||||||
2018-03 | 57 | 4:09.89 | 4:38.62bad | 4:37.30 | (4:09.89) | 4:39.80 | (4:45.04) | 4:38.76 |
Pyraminx | ||||||||
2018-18 | 69 | 9.45 | 13.28 | (14.60) | 13.94 | 12.36 | (9.45) | 13.54 |
2018-04 | 76 | 9.13 | 14.39 | 12.27 | 15.86 | (17.16) | 15.03 | (9.13) |
2018-03 | 72 | 9.03 | 10.90first three were pretty consistent | 9.62 | (9.03) | 9.41 | 13.68 | (14.34) |
Square-1 | ||||||||
2018-18 | 49 | 35.60 | 56.82 | 58.21 | (35.60) | 52.30 | 59.94 | (1:28.54) |
2018-03 | 56 | 43.26 | 48.73wow really good average for me | (43.26) | 46.02 | (1:11.08) | 54.53 | 45.65 |
Skewb | ||||||||
2018-18 | 61 | 11.19 | 13.80 | 13.26 | 16.38 | (11.19) | 11.76 | (20.37) |
2018-03 | 75 | 12.99 | 14.15 | 14.20 | 14.38 | (14.54) | 13.88 | (12.99) |
Kilominx | ||||||||
2018-18 | 12 | 1:08.26 | 1:26.94 | 1:25.14 | 1:27.11 | 1:28.57 | (1:08.26) | (1:41.28) |
2018-03 | 23 | 1:23.05 | 1:36.24 | (1:23.05) | 1:44.58 | 1:29.76 | 1:34.38 | (1:58.97) |