Speedsolving.com ID | Kinch Score | Competitions | Completed Solves |
Matthew Cubermann | 2.41 | 18 | 187 |
Event | SR | Single | Average | SR | Kinch Score |
2x2x2 | 3916 | 4.69Week 2017-03 8.46 9.97 4.69 7.13 11.25 | 7.76Week 2017-40 53rd Place 8.91 7.66 7.87 7.76 6.24 | 4248 | 9.92 |
3x3x3 | 3577 | 14.51Week 2017-41 20.42 14.51 15.97 20.99 17.21 Okay I guess. The 14 could have been faster. | 17.87Week 2017-41 46th Place 20.42 14.51 15.97 20.99 17.21 Okay I guess. The 14 could have been faster. | 3684 | 25.93 |
4x4x4 | 3442 | 2:02.83Week 2017-40 2:39.20 2:02.83 3:47.07 6:27.53 3:39.49 i accidentally did a Yau. Then got a pop. Why do I keep accidentally doing yau?!?! | 2:19.62Week 2017-41 46th Place 2:07.81 2:24.28 2:22.37 2:39.59 2:12.20 Solve 4: Record Split for centers, come out with 3 white edges solved, pop half way through pairing. | 3404 | 16.68 |
3x3x3 one-handed | 2898 | 36.19Week 2017-40 52.13 1:19.75 53.76 36.19 1:24.42 Terrible, messed up most PLLs. | 42.50Week 2017-42 46th Place 41.89 47.44 42.52 42.88 42.11 Actually some really good times! | 2761 | 18.87 |
Pyraminx | 3086 | 11.15Week 2017-41 14.92 17.37 16.30 13.82 11.15 Better than usuall | 15.01Week 2017-41 37th Place 14.92 17.37 16.30 13.82 11.15 Better than usuall | 2981 | 7.62 |
Skewb | 2493 | 15.08Week 2017-40 18.86 15.08 25.39 29.95 1:01.23 Eh. | 24.73Week 2017-40 33rd Place 18.86 15.08 25.39 29.95 1:01.23 Eh. | 2531 | 5.28 |
Gold | Silver | Bronze |
0 | 0 | 0 |
Competition | Place | Single | Average | Solves | ||||
2x2x2 | ||||||||
2017-41 | 53 | 6.34 | 7.93Pretty Typical avverage | 7.66 | 7.04 | (9.29) | 9.09 | (6.34) |
2017-40 | 53 | 6.24 | 7.76 | (8.91) | 7.66 | 7.87 | 7.76 | (6.24) |
2017-08 | 26 | 5.85 | 8.51 | 7.37 | 8.90 | (5.85) | 9.26 | (9.48) |
2017-05 | 27 | 6.05 | 8.86 | (6.05) | 10.45 | 8.00 | (10.76) | 8.14 |
2017-04 | 29 | 7.15 | 8.98 | 8.72 | 8.51 | (9.84) | 9.72 | (7.15) |
2017-03 | 23 | 4.69 | 8.52 | 8.46 | 9.97 | (4.69) | 7.13 | (11.25) |
2017-02 | 22 | 7.47 | 8.62 | (7.47) | (10.96) | 8.62 | 9.40 | 7.85 |
2016-47 | 30 | 8.56 | DNF | 10.70 | 13.04 | (8.56) | (DNS) | DNS |
3x3x3 | ||||||||
2017-42 | 67 | 16.36 | 18.59 | 19.35 | 18.26 | 18.16 | (23.89) | (16.36) |
2017-41 | 46 | 14.51 | 17.87Okay I guess. The 14 could have been faster. | 20.42 | (14.51) | 15.97 | (20.99) | 17.21 |
2017-40 | 45 | 16.36 | 18.72Eh. Pretty okay, I guess. | (16.36) | (19.91) | 19.43 | 18.98 | 17.76 |
2017-35 | 41 | 14.78 | 18.35 | 19.53 | 19.41 | (19.84) | 16.10 | (14.78) |
2017-26 | 29 | 18.75 | 19.18 | (18.75) | 18.94 | 18.83 | (20.28) | 19.77 |
2017-18 | 17 | 17.03 | 19.66 | 18.48 | (21.91) | 20.56 | (17.03) | 19.94 |
2017-16 | 26 | 17.41 | 21.85 | 21.46 | 24.59 | (28.34) | 19.50 | (17.41) |
2017-10 | 32 | 20.91 | 22.02 | (20.91) | 22.89 | 21.14 | (24.19) | 22.03 |
2017-09 | 27 | 17.52 | 19.09 | (20.42) | 20.35 | 19.21 | 17.72 | (17.52) |
2017-08 | 26 | 17.03 | 19.03 | 19.20 | 19.45 | (25.52) | (17.03) | 18.43 |
2017-07 | 32 | 16.55 | 23.65 | (26.15) | (16.55) | 24.02 | 24.75 | 22.17 |
2017-06 | 38 | 22.05 | 23.98 | 24.44 | (26.75) | 23.38 | (22.05) | 24.11 |
2017-05 | 27 | 21.54 | 23.47 | 22.80 | 24.00 | (21.54) | 23.61 | (25.17) |
2017-04 | 36 | 23.17 | 26.08 | 26.73 | 23.40 | 28.11 | (33.39) | (23.17) |
2017-03 | 29 | 21.25 | 22.10 | 21.56 | (21.25) | 22.74 | (24.50) | 22.01 |
2017-02 | 30 | 19.51 | 23.42 | 24.26 | 23.72 | (19.51) | 22.29 | (26.60) |
2016-52 | 40 | 19.47 | 23.40 | (19.47) | 22.76 | 22.21 | (28.51) | 25.23 |
2016-47 | 28 | 23.32 | 26.34 | (28.20) | 26.91 | 25.68 | (23.32) | 26.43 |
4x4x4 | ||||||||
2017-41 | 46 | 2:07.81 | 2:19.62Solve 4: Record Split for centers, come out with 3 white edges solved, pop half way through pairing. | (2:07.81) | 2:24.28 | 2:22.37 | (2:39.59) | 2:12.20 |
2017-40 | 46 | 2:02.83 | 3:21.92i accidentally did a Yau. Then got a pop. Why do I keep accidentally doing yau?!?! | 2:39.20 | (2:02.83) | 3:47.07 | (6:27.53) | 3:39.49 |
3x3x3 blindfolded | ||||||||
2017-40 | 20 | DNF | DNFI can't bld. | DNF | DNF | DNF | ||
3x3x3 one-handed | ||||||||
2017-42 | 46 | 41.89 | 42.50Actually some really good times! | (41.89) | (47.44) | 42.52 | 42.88 | 42.11 |
2017-41 | 38 | 39.00 | 48.83I guess it's okay. | 47.71 | (59.89) | 46.89 | (39.00) | 51.88 |
2017-40 | 37 | 36.19 | 1:01.88Terrible, messed up most PLLs. | 52.13 | 1:19.75 | 53.76 | (36.19) | (1:24.42) |
2017-05 | 23 | 56.22 | 1:13.13 | 1:15.19 | (1:30.41) | 1:00.57 | (56.22) | 1:23.64 |
2017-04 | 29 | 1:01.07 | 1:08.91 | (1:01.07) | 1:16.16 | 1:03.16 | (DNF) | 1:07.42 |
2017-03 | 24 | 1:03.10 | 1:13.36 | 1:04.27 | 1:15.39 | 1:20.41 | (1:03.10) | (1:28.68) |
2017-02 | 28 | 1:06.00 | 1:12.42 | (1:06.00) | 1:07.10 | (1:31.62) | 1:12.16 | 1:18.01 |
Pyraminx | ||||||||
2017-41 | 37 | 11.15 | 15.01Better than usuall | 14.92 | (17.37) | 16.30 | 13.82 | (11.15) |
2017-40 | 39 | 16.67 | 21.20I don't pyra. | 24.06 | 18.64 | 20.90 | (29.08) | (16.67) |
Skewb | ||||||||
2017-40 | 33 | 15.08 | 24.73Eh. | 18.86 | (15.08) | 25.39 | 29.95 | (1:01.23) |