Speedsolving.com ID | Kinch Score | Competitions | Completed Solves |
reversedizzy | 8.01 | 1 | 56 |
Event | SR | Single | Average | SR | Kinch Score |
2x2x2 | 1783 | 2.26Week 2024-18 2.79 2.26 3.89 2.94 2.66 | 2.80Week 2024-18 46th Place 2.79 2.26 3.89 2.94 2.66 | 896 | 27.53 |
3x3x3 | 3249 | 13.51Week 2024-18 13.51 13.96 17.67 15.58 15.21 mid | 14.92Week 2024-18 177th Place 13.51 13.96 17.67 15.58 15.21 mid | 2833 | 31.06 |
4x4x4 | 1807 | 52.74Week 2024-18 1:15.92 1:10.86 1:18.14 1:07.01 52.74 | 1:11.26Week 2024-18 116th Place 1:15.92 1:10.86 1:18.14 1:07.01 52.74 | 2258 | 32.68 |
5x5x5 | 1630 | 2:02.99Week 2024-18 2:17.26 2:27.61 2:04.00 2:24.15 2:02.99 mid | 2:15.14Week 2024-18 79th Place 2:17.26 2:27.61 2:04.00 2:24.15 2:02.99 mid | 1591 | 32.93 |
2x2x2 blindfolded | 1205 | 24.15Week 2024-18 29th Place 24.15 DNF DNF | 6.79 | ||
3x3x3 one-handed | 2467 | 29.46Week 2024-18 30.63 37.41 31.34 33.20 29.46 booooooooooooo | 31.72Week 2024-18 124th Place 30.63 37.41 31.34 33.20 29.46 booooooooooooo | 2127 | 25.28 |
3x3x3 Match the scramble | 746 | 1:41.91Week 2024-18 DNF 4:11.83 3:42.59 2:59.35 1:41.91 i improved | 3:37.92Week 2024-18 10th Place DNF 4:11.83 3:42.59 2:59.35 1:41.91 i improved | 957 | 5.36 |
2-3-4 Relay | 1531 | 1:26.37Week 2024-18 41st Place 1:26.37 | 35.07 | ||
Clock | 1025 | 10.59Week 2024-18 11.92 12.08 10.59 14.58 11.22 would qualify for oceanic championships with this so yay | 11.74Week 2024-18 100th Place 11.92 12.08 10.59 14.58 11.22 would qualify for oceanic championships with this so yay | 931 | 18.09 |
Pyraminx | 1951 | 5.62Week 2024-18 5.62 6.80 7.92 6.69 7.21 ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww | 6.90Week 2024-18 94th Place 5.62 6.80 7.92 6.69 7.21 ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww | 1460 | 16.57 |
Square-1 | 1661 | 35.60Week 2024-18 56.78 42.80 35.60 47.25 55.69 | 48.58Week 2024-18 93rd Place 56.78 42.80 35.60 47.25 55.69 | 1634 | 9.13 |
Skewb | 1297 | 4.68Week 2024-18 7.96 6.73 5.86 7.44 4.68 bruhhhhhhh | 6.68Week 2024-18 63rd Place 7.96 6.73 5.86 7.44 4.68 bruhhhhhhh | 1094 | 19.57 |
Mirror Blocks | 217 | 40.32Week 2024-18 1:19.69 58.52 40.32 51.04 58.89 i was out of practise for the first one and got 2 free pairs for the 3rd | 56.15Week 2024-18 14th Place 1:19.69 58.52 40.32 51.04 58.89 i was out of practise for the first one and got 2 free pairs for the 3rd | 234 | 20.23 |
Gold | Silver | Bronze |
0 | 0 | 0 |
Competition | Place | Single | Average | Solves | ||||
2x2x2 | ||||||||
2024-18 | 46 | 2.26 | 2.80 | 2.79 | (2.26) | (3.89) | 2.94 | 2.66 |
3x3x3 | ||||||||
2024-18 | 177 | 13.51 | 14.92mid | (13.51) | 13.96 | (17.67) | 15.58 | 15.21 |
4x4x4 | ||||||||
2024-18 | 116 | 52.74 | 1:11.26 | 1:15.92 | 1:10.86 | (1:18.14) | 1:07.01 | (52.74) |
5x5x5 | ||||||||
2024-18 | 79 | 2:02.99 | 2:15.14mid | 2:17.26 | (2:27.61) | 2:04.00 | 2:24.15 | (2:02.99) |
2x2x2 blindfolded | ||||||||
2024-18 | 29 | 24.15 | DNF | 24.15 | DNF | DNF | ||
3x3x3 one-handed | ||||||||
2024-18 | 124 | 29.46 | 31.72booooooooooooo | 30.63 | (37.41) | 31.34 | 33.20 | (29.46) |
3x3x3 Match the scramble | ||||||||
2024-18 | 10 | 1:41.91 | 3:37.92i improved | (DNF) | 4:11.83 | 3:42.59 | 2:59.35 | (1:41.91) |
2-3-4 Relay | ||||||||
2024-18 | 41 | 1:26.37 | 1:26.37 | |||||
Clock | ||||||||
2024-18 | 100 | 10.59 | 11.74would qualify for oceanic championships with this so yay
| 11.92 | 12.08 | (10.59) | (14.58) | 11.22 |
Pyraminx | ||||||||
2024-18 | 94 | 5.62 | 6.90ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww | (5.62) | 6.80 | (7.92) | 6.69 | 7.21 |
Square-1 | ||||||||
2024-18 | 93 | 35.60 | 48.58 | (56.78) | 42.80 | (35.60) | 47.25 | 55.69 |
Skewb | ||||||||
2024-18 | 63 | 4.68 | 6.68bruhhhhhhh
| (7.96) | 6.73 | 5.86 | 7.44 | (4.68) |
Speed Fewest Moves | ||||||||
2024-18 | 4 | DNF | DNF | DNF | (DNS) | DNS | DNS | DNS |
Mirror Blocks | ||||||||
2024-18 | 14 | 40.32 | 56.15i was out of practise for the first one and got 2 free pairs for the 3rd | (1:19.69) | 58.52 | (40.32) | 51.04 | 58.89 |