Speedsolving.com ID | Kinch Score | Competitions | Completed Solves |
MaxSpeedCuber | 17.60 | 6 | 288 |
Event | SR | Single | Average | SR | Kinch Score |
2x2x2 | 2286 | 2.67Week 2024-13 4.50 2.67 5.21 5.06 6.96 | 3.81Week 2025-02 83rd Place 4.65 5.57 3.16 3.34 3.43 sub 4 okay | 1800 | 20.23 |
3x3x3 | 2211 | 10.91Week 2025-01 10.91 13.10 14.94 14.78 13.52 its really bad | 12.46Week 2025-02 130th Place 12.95 12.33 13.52 12.10 11.10 its okay | 1950 | 37.19 |
4x4x4 | 955 | 40.28Week 2025-02 53.81 51.96 40.28 42.64 52.03 whyyyyy not sub-40..... | 48.83Week 2025-01 73rd Place 47.97 49.33 45.85 49.62 49.19 its okey | 1119 | 47.70 |
5x5x5 | 1350 | 1:45.76Week 2025-02 1:47.22 2:03.57 1:46.07 1:45.76 1:58.39 not sub110 sec - baaaad | 1:50.56Week 2025-02 66th Place 1:47.22 2:03.57 1:46.07 1:45.76 1:58.39 not sub110 sec - baaaad | 1207 | 40.25 |
2x2x2 blindfolded | 747 | 11.57Week 2025-02 18th Place 22.09 DNF 11.57 firs solve - wowowowow second - forgot all third - WOWOWOWOWOWOWOOW | 12.71 | ||
3x3x3 one-handed | 1112 | 17.55Week 2025-01 24.98 26.28 17.55 23.26 24.07 third solve: yappyyyy | 21.13Week 2025-02 70th Place 20.26 21.63 23.39 18.90 21.50 okay | 1077 | 37.96 |
3x3x3 With feet | 396 | 2:17.01Week 2024-09 4:19.39 5:30.48 2:17.01 DNF 5:07.86 | 4:59.24Week 2024-09 2nd Place 4:19.39 5:30.48 2:17.01 DNF 5:07.86 | 531 | 6.64 |
3x3x3 Match the scramble | 682 | 1:32.14Week 2024-12 2:25.27 1:49.34 1:42.16 1:49.08 1:32.14 Nice!!! | 1:46.86Week 2024-12 7th Place 2:25.27 1:49.34 1:42.16 1:49.08 1:32.14 Nice!!! | 563 | 10.93 |
2-3-4 Relay | 856 | 1:06.53Week 2025-01 32nd Place 1:06.53 not sub-1 - bad | 45.53 | ||
2-3-4-5 Relay | 906 | 3:11.64Week 2025-02 19th Place 3:11.64 okay | 41.36 | ||
2-3-4-5-6 Relay | 604 | 8:39.79Week 2024-09 22nd Place 8:39.79 its good | 34.42 | ||
2-3-4-5-6-7 Relay | 570 | 18:21.39Week 2024-09 19th Place 18:21.39 i solved it!!! | 26.56 | ||
Clock | 300 | 5.22Week 2025-02 6.14 6.87 5.68 5.97 5.22 sub 6 okay | 5.93Week 2025-02 36th Place 6.14 6.87 5.68 5.97 5.22 sub 6 okay | 258 | 35.81 |
Megaminx | 811 | 1:24.59Week 2025-02 1:24.59 1:45.14 1:41.29 1:35.38 1:28.29 sub-90 sec count - goood | 1:34.99Week 2025-02 36th Place 1:24.59 1:45.14 1:41.29 1:35.38 1:28.29 sub-90 sec count - goood | 801 | 31.16 |
Pyraminx | 1668 | 4.81Week 2024-09 7.34 6.43 9.73 9.01 4.81 its good | 7.59Week 2024-09 100th Place 7.34 6.43 9.73 9.01 4.81 its good | 1677 | 15.06 |
Square-1 | 1305 | 24.55Week 2025-02 39.64 31.92 25.82 32.38 24.55 not sub-30 = baaaaaaaaaaaaad | 30.04Week 2025-02 57th Place 39.64 31.92 25.82 32.38 24.55 not sub-30 = baaaaaaaaaaaaad | 1196 | 14.76 |
Skewb | 572 | 2.82Week 2025-02 7.08 8.39 8.24 5.31 2.82 2.82 okay!!! | 6.88Week 2025-02 54th Place 7.08 8.39 8.24 5.31 2.82 2.82 okay!!! | 1138 | 19.00 |
Mini Guildford | 478 | 6:29.39Week 2025-02 12th Place 6:29.39 oke | 42.61 | ||
15 Puzzle | 97 | 14.18Week 2024-12 35.04 42.75 22.68 14.18 34.28 really cool!!! PB!!! | 30.67Week 2024-12 8th Place 35.04 42.75 22.68 14.18 34.28 really cool!!! PB!!! | 180 | 13.58 |
Speed Fewest Moves | 180 | 56.94Week 2024-09 67.69 56.94 64.43 72.34 61.20 | 1:04.44Week 2024-09 4th Place 67.69 56.94 64.43 72.34 61.20 | 132 | 48.19 |
Mirror Blocks | 299 | 48.18Week 2025-02 58.07 59.55 48.18 1:07.35 48.70 sub 60 sec avg - okay | 55.44Week 2025-02 15th Place 58.07 59.55 48.18 1:07.35 48.70 sub 60 sec avg - okay | 229 | 20.48 |
Face-Turning Octahedron | 207 | 1:17.17Week 2025-01 1:51.03 1:17.17 1:29.46 2:12.35 1:31.92 okokok | 1:37.47Week 2025-01 31st Place 1:51.03 1:17.17 1:29.46 2:12.35 1:31.92 okokok | 206 | 14.05 |
Gold | Silver | Bronze |
0 | 1 | 0 |
Competition | Place | Single | Average | Solves | ||||
2x2x2 | ||||||||
2025-02 | 83 | 3.16 | 3.81sub 4 okay | 4.65 | (5.57) | (3.16) | 3.34 | 3.43 |
2025-01 | 107 | 2.68 | 4.51its okey | 4.22 | 5.16 | (5.52) | (2.68) | 4.14 |
2024-13 | 146 | 2.67 | 4.92 | 4.50 | (2.67) | 5.21 | 5.06 | (6.96) |
2024-12 | 146 | 4.55 | 5.67its baddest solves EVER | 5.35 | (4.55) | (9.32) | 5.89 | 5.77 |
2024-09 | 170 | 3.63 | 6.64Last solve is goog
| 7.60 | 6.14 | (8.82) | 6.18 | (3.63) |
3x3x3 | ||||||||
2025-02 | 130 | 11.10 | 12.46its okay | 12.95 | 12.33 | (13.52) | 12.10 | (11.10) |
2025-01 | 150 | 10.91 | 13.80its really bad | (10.91) | 13.10 | (14.94) | 14.78 | 13.52 |
2024-16 | 167 | 13.18 | 13.95Ok
| 13.28 | (13.18) | (17.90) | 14.68 | 13.88 |
2024-13 | 157 | 11.93 | 13.76 | 14.33 | (16.85) | 12.47 | (11.93) | 14.48 |
2024-12 | 135 | 11.35 | 13.00 | 12.14 | (16.00) | 13.28 | (11.35) | 13.57 |
2024-09 | 183 | 13.84 | 15.25 | (17.81) | 14.24 | 15.08 | (13.84) | 16.43 |
4x4x4 | ||||||||
2025-02 | 73 | 40.28 | 48.88whyyyyy not sub-40..... | (53.81) | 51.96 | (40.28) | 42.64 | 52.03 |
2025-01 | 73 | 45.85 | 48.83its okey | 47.97 | 49.33 | (45.85) | (49.62) | 49.19 |
2024-12 | 67 | 51.48 | 54.15 | 54.35 | 55.59 | (1:07.38) | 52.51 | (51.48) |
2024-09 | 102 | 57.15 | 1:04.58Last solve is OK, 1-4 solves was TRASHHHHH
| 1:09.71 | (1:20.86) | 1:00.85 | 1:03.17 | (57.15) |
5x5x5 | ||||||||
2025-02 | 66 | 1:45.76 | 1:50.56not sub110 sec - baaaad | 1:47.22 | (2:03.57) | 1:46.07 | (1:45.76) | 1:58.39 |
2024-09 | 72 | 2:15.46 | 2:23.64last solve is damn bad | (2:15.46) | 2:19.73 | 2:26.72 | 2:24.48 | (2:57.52) |
2x2x2 blindfolded | ||||||||
2025-02 | 18 | 11.57 | DNFfirs solve - wowowowow
second - forgot all third - WOWOWOWOWOWOWOOW | 22.09 | DNF | 11.57 | ||
2025-01 | 32 | 24.31 | DNFi solved it, calculating the actions of the CFOP method
first attempt: mixed up the PLL second attempt: I mixed everything up third attempt: 24.31 success!!! i am very happy about it!!! | DNF | DNF | 24.31 | ||
2024-13 | 36 | 28.04 | DNFone solve is not DNF and its really COOL!!!! | DNF | DNF | 28.04 | ||
3x3x3 one-handed | ||||||||
2025-02 | 70 | 18.90 | 21.13okay | 20.26 | 21.63 | (23.39) | (18.90) | 21.50 |
2025-01 | 77 | 17.55 | 24.10third solve: yappyyyy | 24.98 | (26.28) | (17.55) | 23.26 | 24.07 |
2024-13 | 94 | 23.10 | 24.75 | 23.46 | (23.10) | 26.89 | (27.13) | 23.89 |
2024-12 | 93 | 22.91 | 29.46 | (22.91) | 30.21 | (31.03) | 28.27 | 29.89 |
2024-09 | 105 | 26.71 | 30.44BAD
| (26.71) | 29.43 | (33.85) | 28.33 | 33.57 |
3x3x3 With feet | ||||||||
2024-09 | 2 | 2:17.01 | 4:59.24 | 4:19.39 | 5:30.48 | (2:17.01) | (DNF) | 5:07.86 |
3x3x3 Match the scramble | ||||||||
2024-12 | 7 | 1:32.14 | 1:46.86Nice!!! | (2:25.27) | 1:49.34 | 1:42.16 | 1:49.08 | (1:32.14) |
2024-09 | 9 | 2:05.66 | 2:58.12 | 3:22.58 | (3:43.05) | 2:19.95 | 3:11.82 | (2:05.66) |
2-3-4 Relay | ||||||||
2025-02 | 35 | 1:13.53okey | 1:13.53 | |||||
2025-01 | 32 | 1:06.53not sub-1 - bad | 1:06.53 | |||||
2024-12 | 43 | 1:23.16not pb, but nice solve | 1:23.16 | |||||
2024-09 | 41 | 1:17.99its okay | 1:17.99 | |||||
2-3-4-5 Relay | ||||||||
2025-02 | 19 | 3:11.64okay | 3:11.64 | |||||
2024-09 | 37 | 4:22.43 | 4:22.43 | |||||
2-3-4-5-6 Relay | ||||||||
2024-09 | 22 | 8:39.79its good
| 8:39.79 | |||||
2-3-4-5-6-7 Relay | ||||||||
2024-09 | 19 | 18:21.39i solved it!!! | 18:21.39 | |||||
Clock | ||||||||
2025-02 | 36 | 5.22 | 5.93sub 6 okay
| 6.14 | (6.87) | 5.68 | 5.97 | (5.22) |
2025-01 | 31 | 5.29 | 5.95okey | (5.29) | 5.53 | (6.60) | 6.42 | 5.89 |
2024-16 | 85 | 8.51 | 9.48norm/OK
| (9.83) | (8.51) | 9.44 | 9.29 | 9.70 |
2024-13 | 73 | 7.52 | 9.79 | 9.21 | 10.18 | 9.99 | (7.52) | (10.30) |
2024-12 | 56 | 7.56 | 8.08OK | 8.51 | 8.16 | (7.56) | (DNF) | 7.57 |
2024-09 | 55 | 7.84 | 8.62Last solve is BADDEST EVER | 8.85 | (7.84) | 8.81 | 8.19 | (DNF) |
Megaminx | ||||||||
2025-02 | 36 | 1:24.59 | 1:34.99sub-90 sec count - goood | (1:24.59) | (1:45.14) | 1:41.29 | 1:35.38 | 1:28.29 |
2024-09 | 46 | 1:34.29 | 1:41.741) My fastest solve EVER
2)Really GOOD 3)Sub 2 minutes... OKOKOKOKOK 4)My NEW FASTEST SOLVE EVER 5)Really good Ao5)Best EVERRRRRR | 1:36.47 | 1:42.10 | (1:54.57) | (1:34.29) | 1:46.64 |
Pyraminx | ||||||||
2025-02 | 92 | 6.57 | 9.48bad | 10.03 | 9.93 | (14.00) | 8.49 | (6.57) |
2025-01 | 97 | 5.00 | 8.64okay | 10.85 | (12.65) | 5.64 | (5.00) | 9.42 |
2024-13 | 117 | 6.43 | 8.30 | 7.29 | (6.43) | 10.03 | (11.37) | 7.57 |
2024-12 | 91 | 4.83 | 9.56sub 10. ok
| (4.83) | (12.59) | 10.07 | 9.83 | 8.78 |
2024-09 | 100 | 4.81 | 7.59its good | 7.34 | 6.43 | (9.73) | 9.01 | (4.81) |
Square-1 | ||||||||
2025-02 | 57 | 24.55 | 30.04not sub-30 = baaaaaaaaaaaaad | (39.64) | 31.92 | 25.82 | 32.38 | (24.55) |
2025-01 | 68 | 26.14 | 30.23not sub-30 - baaaad | (26.14) | 28.64 | 28.74 | (38.67) | 33.32 |
2024-13 | 83 | 32.04 | 44.97PB single!!! | 41.76 | 50.82 | (55.95) | 42.32 | (32.04) |
2024-12 | 73 | 35.22 | 41.46its ok | (49.62) | (35.22) | 38.53 | 44.57 | 41.28 |
2024-09 | 87 | 41.97 | 46.61its damn good for mememe | 43.25 | 51.05 | (54.36) | (41.97) | 45.53 |
Skewb | ||||||||
2025-02 | 54 | 2.82 | 6.882.82 okay!!! | 7.08 | (8.39) | 8.24 | 5.31 | (2.82) |
2025-01 | 56 | 5.99 | 7.28baaaaaaaaaaaaad | (5.99) | 7.03 | 7.75 | (9.00) | 7.06 |
2024-13 | 105 | 6.45 | 9.53 | 8.68 | 9.32 | (11.18) | (6.45) | 10.59 |
2024-12 | 71 | 5.50 | 7.96sub 8!! it good!!! | (5.50) | 8.43 | 7.19 | 8.25 | (9.11) |
2024-09 | 78 | 4.53 | 8.79OKOKOKOK | (4.53) | 9.79 | (13.27) | 9.62 | 6.95 |
Mini Guildford | ||||||||
2025-02 | 12 | 6:29.39oke | 6:29.39 | |||||
2025-01 | 23 | 6:55.73its okey | 6:55.73 | |||||
2024-12 | 17 | 7:51.83good | 7:51.83 | |||||
2024-09 | 22 | 7:59.39its damn good
| 7:59.39 | |||||
15 Puzzle | ||||||||
2025-01 | 7 | 49.64 | 1:01.91bad | (1:10.66) | 1:04.67 | 54.64 | (49.64) | 1:06.43 |
2024-12 | 8 | 14.18 | 30.67really cool!!! PB!!! | 35.04 | (42.75) | 22.68 | (14.18) | 34.28 |
2024-09 | 9 | 26.92 | 33.03its really NICE!!!
| (48.35) | 34.68 | (26.92) | 34.30 | 30.10 |
Speed Fewest Moves | ||||||||
2024-09 | 4 | 56.94 | 1:04.44 | 67.69 | (56.94) | 64.43 | (72.34) | 61.20 |
Mirror Blocks | ||||||||
2025-02 | 15 | 48.18 | 55.44sub 60 sec avg - okay | 58.07 | 59.55 | (48.18) | (1:07.35) | 48.70 |
2025-01 | 15 | 53.19 | 57.83sub-1 okeyyyy | 54.35 | 53.77 | 1:05.38 | (53.19) | (1:06.15) |
Face-Turning Octahedron | ||||||||
2025-01 | 31 | 1:17.17 | 1:37.47okokok | 1:51.03 | (1:17.17) | 1:29.46 | (2:12.35) | 1:31.92 |