Speedsolving.com ID | Kinch Score | Competitions | Completed Solves |
rafarooni | 6.58 | 1 | 54 |
Event | SR | Single | Average | SR | Kinch Score |
2x2x2 | 3268 | 3.72Week 2023-31 4.02 5.86 3.72 4.03 4.33 okie | 4.13Week 2023-31 102nd Place 4.02 5.86 3.72 4.03 4.33 okie | 2065 | 16.80 |
3x3x3 | 2424 | 11.45Week 2023-31 13.29 11.45 13.34 12.26 12.02 first weekly comp :) | 12.52Week 2023-31 139th Place 13.29 11.45 13.34 12.26 12.02 first weekly comp :) | 1958 | 30.56 |
4x4x4 | 1890 | 54.65Week 2023-31 1:14.32 1:08.20 1:07.94 1:03.10 54.65 4/5 oll parities | 1:06.41Week 2023-31 118th Place 1:14.32 1:08.20 1:07.94 1:03.10 54.65 4/5 oll parities | 2056 | 22.26 |
5x5x5 | 1638 | 2:04.60Week 2023-31 2:04.60 2:17.41 2:26.65 2:04.94 2:22.00 oh neat | 2:14.78Week 2023-31 85th Place 2:04.60 2:17.41 2:26.65 2:04.94 2:22.00 oh neat | 1580 | 21.13 |
2x2x2 blindfolded | 1484 | 39.01Week 2023-31 60th Place 39.01 1:06.05 1:28.53 mean! first solve was nice :3 | 1:04.53Week 2023-31 39.01 1:06.05 1:28.53 mean! first solve was nice :3 | 1118 | 4.20 |
3x3x3 one-handed | 1726 | 22.15Week 2023-31 22.15 22.30 27.25 22.91 25.69 table abusing h perms is fun :) | 23.63Week 2023-31 82nd Place 22.15 22.30 27.25 22.91 25.69 table abusing h perms is fun :) | 1339 | 23.99 |
2-3-4 Relay | 1738 | 1:34.96Week 2023-31 72nd Place 1:34.96 bleh | 21.66 | ||
2-3-4-5 Relay | 1277 | 4:06.99Week 2023-31 44th Place 4:06.99 okeh | 19.86 | ||
Clock | 1757 | 52.81Week 2023-31 1:06.64 DNF 1:05.49 52.81 54.90 literally my 2nd to 6th clock solves :p | 1:02.34Week 2023-31 118th Place 1:06.64 DNF 1:05.49 52.81 54.90 literally my 2nd to 6th clock solves :p | 1735 | 2.51 |
Megaminx | 1054 | 1:40.88Week 2023-31 1:50.31 1:40.88 1:47.26 1:55.37 1:44.89 cool | 1:47.49Week 2023-31 49th Place 1:50.31 1:40.88 1:47.26 1:55.37 1:44.89 cool | 975 | 20.03 |
Square-1 | 599 | 12.26Week 2023-31 17.12 18.51 14.22 15.39 12.26 kinda bad :( | 15.58Week 2023-31 38th Place 17.12 18.51 14.22 15.39 12.26 kinda bad :( | 501 | 28.46 |
Skewb | 1721 | 6.24Week 2023-31 7.30 6.57 6.24 6.48 10.27 pre nice | 6.78Week 2023-31 75th Place 7.30 6.57 6.24 6.48 10.27 pre nice | 1118 | 12.87 |
15 Puzzle | 207 | 29.39Week 2023-31 1:48.82 1:06.01 40.02 2:23.61 29.39 last solve :D | 1:11.62Week 2023-31 8th Place 1:48.82 1:06.01 40.02 2:23.61 29.39 last solve :D | 261 | 5.81 |
Gold | Silver | Bronze |
0 | 0 | 0 |
Competition | Place | Single | Average | Solves | ||||
2x2x2 | ||||||||
2023-31 | 102 | 3.72 | 4.13okie | 4.02 | (5.86) | (3.72) | 4.03 | 4.33 |
3x3x3 | ||||||||
2023-31 | 139 | 11.45 | 12.52first weekly comp :) | 13.29 | (11.45) | (13.34) | 12.26 | 12.02 |
4x4x4 | ||||||||
2023-31 | 118 | 54.65 | 1:06.414/5 oll parities | (1:14.32) | 1:08.20 | 1:07.94 | 1:03.10 | (54.65) |
5x5x5 | ||||||||
2023-31 | 85 | 2:04.60 | 2:14.78oh neat | (2:04.60) | 2:17.41 | (2:26.65) | 2:04.94 | 2:22.00 |
2x2x2 blindfolded | ||||||||
2023-31 | 60 | 39.01 | 1:04.53mean! first solve was nice :3 | 39.01 | 1:06.05 | 1:28.53 | ||
3x3x3 one-handed | ||||||||
2023-31 | 82 | 22.15 | 23.63table abusing h perms is fun :) | (22.15) | 22.30 | (27.25) | 22.91 | 25.69 |
2-3-4 Relay | ||||||||
2023-31 | 72 | 1:34.96bleh | 1:34.96 | |||||
2-3-4-5 Relay | ||||||||
2023-31 | 44 | 4:06.99okeh | 4:06.99 | |||||
Clock | ||||||||
2023-31 | 118 | 52.81 | 1:02.34literally my 2nd to 6th clock solves :p | 1:06.64 | (DNF) | 1:05.49 | (52.81) | 54.90 |
Megaminx | ||||||||
2023-31 | 49 | 1:40.88 | 1:47.49cool | 1:50.31 | (1:40.88) | 1:47.26 | (1:55.37) | 1:44.89 |
Square-1 | ||||||||
2023-31 | 38 | 12.26 | 15.58kinda bad :( | 17.12 | (18.51) | 14.22 | 15.39 | (12.26) |
Skewb | ||||||||
2023-31 | 75 | 6.24 | 6.78pre nice | 7.30 | 6.57 | (6.24) | 6.48 | (10.27) |
15 Puzzle | ||||||||
2023-31 | 8 | 29.39 | 1:11.62last solve :D | 1:48.82 | 1:06.01 | 40.02 | (2:23.61) | (29.39) |