
From Speedsolving.com Wiki

The title of this article should be "qqTimer". The capitalization is due to the wiki's limitations.

qqTimer is an online speedcubing timer that was initially released on 9 Aug 2009 by Michael Gottlieb. It is one of the most popular online speedcubing timers and is used by many world-class speedcubers for practice.


  • Multiple puzzles
  • 3x3 subsets
  • Averages from an average of 5 and higher. There is also a global average or session average which counts your whole session as an average.
  • Penalties
  • Timer options for customizability


qqTimer's design is fairly old in today's standard but was relatively good at the time of the launch. There are two options on the website for the themes, Gottlieb and Tamanas, Gottlieb theme is a default theme and has a minimalistic accent which probably is the theme that everyone uses. Tamanas theme is a pretty dense theme, it has a blue background around the box which contains all the functionalities.

Notable Users

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See Also