Master Pyramorphix
The Master Pyramorphix, also known as the Mastermorphix, is a puzzle similar to the Pyramorphix but with one more layer.
The Mastermorphix (Master Pyramorphix) has two seperate versions. There is the one color version, and the four color version. This guide is written for the four color version.
I can't really ever find guides for the mastermorphix, I have seen a few forum posts talking about ideas. This is from the ideas, and the method that works for me.
The method used to solve this 4 sided puzzle is loosely based on the Petrus method. This puzzle doesn't have many people doing it, or solvers with any posted times. I see some people say this is one of the most difficult 3x3x3 shape mods. I am not doubtful about that, but I believe this puzzle can be achieved to sub-30, and maybe people have already done this. I have not seen any times below that though.
The best times I see for this puzzle are between 1:10.00 and 3:00.00
This puzzle is simply a shape mod of the 3x3x3 similar to Mirror Blocks, and many other puzzles. You can see in the diagram to the right where the corners and centers for this puzzle are located in the solved state.
This puzzle has 2 big differences to most 3x3x3 shape mods.
It's centers can become rotated; although this occurs on a normal 3x3x3 this doesn't affect you because these are solid colors. Unless of course you are solving a picture cube.
One corner can be rotated, unlike any 3x3x3, just one corner can be rotated while the rest of the cube is currently in the solved position. (This is only required for the actual corners of this puzzle.
This actually occurs because unseen by you another "corner" is actually rotated. the small triangular wedges can be rotated, and this is not visible. This means when 2 or more corners are rotated, it is very likely this will fall on one of the corners that has three colors. This means you will need to fix one or two of these at the end of every solve.
The following guide was written from scratch.
What you need to know before you start:
* How to solve a rubik's cube (beneficial) * PLL (Very beneficial!) * Intuitive F2L * Notation * Mapping from 3x3x3 o Corners: The small single color triangular pieces (looks like the center of this puzzle) o Corners: The three colored actual corners of this puzzle are also corners. o Centers: The two colored diamond pieces on the edge of this puzzle. o Edges: The solid colored "wedge" pieces. o See image.
Step 1:
Build a 2x2x2 block (This can be broken into 3 sub steps)
You need to first orient 3 center pieces in the correct orientation (looking at this from the top going clockwise your centers may be :yellow-blue—blue-red—red-yellow: remember, the centers of this puzzle have 2 colors on them.
Now you have to begin to build your 2x2x2 block, you have to insert 2 edges so that they match. These edges (obviously) will be between the two centers on the puzzle. so for example between the yellow-blue and blue-red centers we would place a blue edge. Make sure you keep the proper orientation of the centers.
Now that you have 2 edges correctly placed you do one f2l placement. Find the corner for the slot, match it with the missing edge and place it into the slot.
You should now have completed a 2x2x2 block, you will hold the point of this to the bottom of the puzzle pointing towards the floor or table.
Notes about Step 1:
* You can insert the other 2 edges by repeatedly inserting f2l pairs with the missing corner. * There three edges of the same color, and any of these can be used in the pairs.
Step 2:
Now this is kind of where the petrus method dies off. What you will do now is extend 2 sides of the puzzle (touching the 2x2x2 block) towards the top layer. (This will be a matching of 1 corner and 2 edges and will look something like angel wings being placed)
If you are building on yellow you could find and connect one corner with it's edge easily. You can also easily place this into the correct area (this should be very easy to figure out)
I am not going to go into detail for this, once you get the 2nd edge added you can place this into the appropriate position. This should be done intuitively to learn your own tricks for this part.
After you place 2 of these along the 2x2x2 block you will probably have to insert another f2l pair. Once again this should be obvious of where it is, and should be a very simple fix.
Once this has been finished one "edge" of the puzzle will be unsolved, the rest of the cube will be in the correct position. See center rotation if required.
The above will take practice.
Notes about step 2:
* Did you wind up with an inversed triangle around your face, you just can't figure out how to get it in position? o Note: this is not parity, you just have to reverse an edge. R U2 R' U2 L U' L' * Yes this step requires a lot of practice, but once you get the hang of it it's easy.
Step 3:
Last Layer
For this step think about the cube as a 3x3x3, you can see this by rotating the puzzle slightly so you have a 3x3 on the top of the puzzle! This is determined by correct orientation of edges as well, the corners are easy to orient!
if the edges are oriented they will be in the apropriate position.
There are some great youtube videos for this, I'm sure you can find them.
Use the above to determine if you have the bar case; or the crooked bar case.
Remember! there are 2 sets of 2 identically colored edges! (use this to your advantage - U-perms)
The last layer of this puzzle is pretty much a permutation problem, more so than an orientation problem!
Notes for step 3:
* Rotate one center 180degrees ( [R U R' U]x6 ) - this will keep all other pieces oriented. * Rotate one corner 120degrees ( [L' U' L U] [L' U2' L] [R U R' U R U2' R'] ) * Notable algorithms from 3x3x3 o J-Perms o T-Perm o U-Perms o A-perms o 2-look OLL cases (Sune/Bar/L-shape)
Enjoy this puzzle, and good luck.