A system for orienting last layer corners while simultaneously placing the final DR edge. It is used in conjunction with methods which pre-orient LL edges (such as ZZ or Petrus).
For a variant where the final DF edge is placed, see OCDFLL.
JTLE solve procedure
Step 1: 2x2x2 block
The first step is exactly the same as the first step of normal Petrus.
Step 2: Expand to 2x2x3
The second step is exactly the same as the second step of normal Petrus.
Step 3: EO
The third step is exactly the same as the third step of normal Petrus.
Step 4: Pseudo-F2L
Solve the F2L without the DF edge piece.
Step 5: Edge and orient Last Layer Corners (ELLC, for short)
This step inserts the missing cross piece(Solving DR)and orients the LL corners. There are only 27 algorithms for this step; they are listed below.
Step 6: PLL
Step 1: EOLine
In this step the solver will orient all edges(For more information on edge orientation please click here.) and solve the DF and DB.
Step 2: Pseudo-F2L
The solver will solve F2L using only R, U , and L moves. This is exactly the same as ZZ. Remember, that the DR edge is not permanent; so you can save moves by placing another OD (opposite of D) edge in the DR spot.
Step 3: Edge and orient Last Layer Corners (ELLC, for short)
This step inserts the missing cross piece(Solving DR)and orients the LL corners. There are only 27 algorithms for this step; they are listed below.
Step 4: PLL
Example Solve
scramble (F2L on D): U2 L2 D2 B' D2 R2 F U2 B2 U2 B' R F R' D' B' R' D' L U2
Pseudo x-cross: B L R U2 R' U2 R2 y' (7)
2x2x3: R U' R' U' L' U' L (7)
Last 2 slots: U' R2 U' R2 U2 R U2 R2 (8)
Pseudo ELLC: U' R U2 R2 U' R' U' R2 U2 R (10)
Finish F2L and EOLL: D M U M' D' (5)
PLL: N perm
Total: 37 moves to PLL
See also
External links
- JTLE algs
- JTLE algs (broken link)
- Speedsolving.com: JTLE - does it have potential?