Singmaster notation

From Wiki

Singmaster notation is a basic notation method for the Rubik's cube and is included as part of most other NxNxN notation methods.


  • U turns the up face 90 degrees (one quarter turn) clockwise
  • D turns the down face 90 degrees (one quarter turn) clockwise
  • L turns the left face 90 degrees (one quarter turn) clockwise
  • R turns the right face 90 degrees (one quarter turn) clockwise
  • F turns the front face 90 degrees (one quarter turn) clockwise
  • B turns the back face 90 degrees (one quarter turn) clockwise
  • Adding a ' symbol to the end of one of the letters denotes a turn of that layer 90 degrees (one quarter turn) counterclockwise.
    • Some sources use -1 instead of ' .
  • Adding a 2 symbol to the end of one of the letters denotes a turn of that layer 180 degrees (one half turn or two quarter turns).
    • Some sources use 2 instead of 2.

See Also


  • Joyner, David Adventures in Group Theory: Rubik's Cube, Merlin's Machine, and Other Mathematical Toys (2nd edition). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008. Print.