virtual cube

  1. fortissim2

    Virtual Rubik's Cube on Scratch! (ZBLL Trainer soon?)

    TL;DR - Got bored one day and decided to replicate the csTimer virtual cube on Scratch! Before you click on the project, you'll just see a 5x6 grid of random squares of colours that seem to change randomly when you press on the keyboard. So, how the...
  2. Imsoosm

    Imsoosm's Progression Thread - learning eg1

    A page mainly to keep up with my cubing updates:) I usually cube most during the weekends because I still have to go to school during weekdays, so I will come on here once in a while during weekdays, and I'll be on here more frequently during the weekends. I hope you guys can give me some tips...
  3. V Achyuthan

    Virtual cube progression thread

    Recently I have been practicing virtual cube (ya the 3x3 virtual cube on cs timer) I am averaging around 20-22 (wow 2022) seconds. My PB is 9.71 and PB Ao5 is 17.88. I use CFOP for Virtual cube btw. Anyone have any tips to improve? thanks.