Zipper Method

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Zipper method
Information about the method
Proposer(s): Justin Taylor
Proposed: October 2017
Alt Names: none
Variants: Zipper-b, Zipper-c, ZZ-Zipper
No. Steps: 4
No. Algs: 359 Total; 331 OLLCP, 28 L5EP
Avg Moves: Low 40s With Blockbuilding, 45 With CFOP Background, 23 For LS+LL

The Zipper Method is a speedsolving method created by Justin Taylor in 2017, several months after development of the Ribbon Method. The method was created as a Two-Look solution for the Last Slot and Last Layer without preorienting edges and maintaining a manageable algorithm count. This allows great versatility in approach for the F2L, along with a smooth transition into LSLL. Additionally, this method has a very fast LS+LL, as it combines the well-established OLLCP step with L5EP, a 2gen, low algorithm step with easy recognition and execution. The method retains every ergonomic advantage of CFOP, while containing one fewer "look" in the solve and saving an average of 9 moves with a CFOP-like approach to F2L. Zipper can either be used as a standalone method, or in conjunction with other CFOP subsets whenever a corner solves itself during F2L.

The Steps

  • Cross + 1 Corner (Fish): This is the most distinctive part of the Zipper Method. Taking an average of 6 moves and no more than 9 moves, this step solves the Cross on the bottom and any first layer corner, forming a "fish" on the bottom layer. This slot is referred to as the Zipper Slot. Technically, the Zipper Slot can be solved at any point during the F2L, such as using Multislotting to insert the lone corner during the solving of another slot. This is done whenever is easiest during F2L execution.
  • F2L - 1 Edge: There are three remaining F2L slots to be solved. Typically, this is done using pairs as in CFOP. However, any approach can be taken to solve the cube up to F2L-1 Edge. First Block, carried over from Roux, may be used in conjunction with <RrUM> for the rest of F2L to provide an efficient and rotationless option to finish F2L.
  • OLLCP: This is the first algorithm set of the Zipper Method. There are 331 algorithms to orient the last layer of the cube and permute the remaining corners in an average of 11 moves with as few as 6. Although OLLCP algs are often used as an extension of CFOP, the full set must be used with Zipper in order to guarantee that the corners are permuted. In order to correctly use OLLCP in Zipper, the orientation of the edge in the Zipper Slot must be accounted for. Using a similar recognition style as ZZ, the Zipper Slot is placed in either the FR or BR position. Using this, the edge that belongs in the Zipper Slot is treated as any other LL edge, and the OLLCP alg is executed.
  • L5EP: This step solves the remaining 5 oriented edges of the cube, containing the LL edges and either the FR or BR edge. This step is executed in an average of 10 moves with as few as 6. There are 12 algs for each slot, as well as the 4 standard EPLL algs. This set can be executed using exclusively the <RU> move group, but many of the fastest algs for each case use other move groups.



Instead of OLLCP and L5EP, CFRLL (CLL without preserving the FR edge) and Zipper L5E can be used to finish the solve. This approach is generally thought of being superior to standard Zipper.


Zipper-c is a more advanced form of Zipper-b which keeps the Zipper L5E step but replaces corner + CFRLL with a form of L5C, where the corners after last slot are solved without regards to the currently unsolved edges. Although it is superior to Zipper-b, it is rarely learned due to the amount of algorithms required. However, all of its subsets (CFRLL, TCFRLL and CFRLS) have already been generated.


Zipper-D is a lower algorithm count version of Zipper-B. It starts with an algorithm set (called OCFRLL) of 85 algorithms to solve top layer corners while orienting what ever edge is in the FR slot. Then you do a reduced version of L5E with 120 algorithms, this sets is called OFL5E. This variant as a whole saves ≈40 algorithms.


Zipper can also be applied to the ZZ method by using algorithms that preserve EO.

In an intermediate variant, the last D-layer corner is solved. This is followed by one of 42 COLL (algorithms that don't preserve the FR edge but do preserve EO may be used instead) and L5EP.

The most advanced version of this would be to solve the the last five corners in one step using one of 614 L5CO algorithms (Last 5 Corners with (edge) Orientation).


  • Instead of solving one corner and then the other four, these two steps can be combined into 614 L5C (or L5CO) algorithms
  • Conjugated CxLL with CBRLL (or CLL or COLL) can be used to solve the last five corners in only 42 algorithms, although one corner needs to be oriented for this to work

See also

External links