Yunsu Nam
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Yunsu Nam (남윤수) is a Korean speedcuber who formerly held the 3x3x3 With Feet world record mean.
Yunsu's first continental record was a 3.64 2x2 average in 2009. The next year at Korean Championship 2010, he broke the AsR again with a 3.61 average, and also got an AsR for feet with a 49.60 mean, his first time competing in the event. In 2011, he broke the 2x2 AsR once more with a 2.91 average. At the end of the year, he got the feet world record mean with 35.15, including a 33.05 AsR single. After his mandatory military service from 2012 to 2013/14, he returned to get a 28.07 feet single, and slightly broke his former WR mean with 34.45.