VH method
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VH (short for Vandenbergh-Harris) is a variant of the CFOP method invented by Lars Vandenbergh and Dan Harris. It orients the last layer edges during insertion of the final F2L block. It has exactly the same effect as the ZBLS stage of the ZB method, but uses much fewer algorithms - 32 as opposed to ZBLS's 125 (excluding mirrors and inverses). It achieves this by restricting the LL edge orientation step to the moment before insertion of the final F2L pair (in a similar manner to Winter Variation). With full ZBLS, LL edge orientation is carried out from any F2L last slot case.
See also
External links
- Algorithms and Description for the VH method (warning, lots of applets!) Archived from the original.
- Dan Harris's VH Description (on his new site, incomplete)
- speedsolving.com VH Method
- A well explained guide on VH can be found in the book Speedsolving the Cube by co-inventor of the method Dan Harris.