User talk:Twisted101

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Revision as of 15:34, 19 July 2024 by Meep Poggerson (talk | contribs) (→‎ceeo)
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just saying, it takes time to make a page, and if you dont like how a page looks, theres a thing called an edit button. i also improved the ceeo page. also, no effort isn't a thing. Meep Poggerson (talk)

That doesn’t matter if the method already exists Twisted101 (talk)

where does it already exist then? it may be similar to corners first, but it isn't the same. i think you should actually TRY THE METHOD and see that it's different. Meep Poggerson (talk)

Countless people have made “CEEO” before thinking it was originalTwisted101 (talk)

Also an admin previously deleted that page, if u continue to make that page, u might be temporarily banned or smth Twisted101 (talk)

if countless people have made ceeo before, then why wasn't it on the wiki before i added it? also, it was unfairly removed and im pretty sure that he cant ban people. Meep Poggerson (talk)

People haven’t made it on the wiki because those inventors had common sense, because they knew method is bad and not worth anyone’s time Twisted101 (talk)

Like I made that exact method when I started out, and so did my younger cousin who I taught how to solve a cube Twisted101 (talk)

a wiki is made to have information. it doesn't matter if a method is good or not. for example, you put epidote on the wiki, which is worse than CFOP. nobody is going to learn epidote over CFOP as their main method, because CFOP is better, so based on YOUR criteria, epidote is not worth anyone's time and you don't have common sense. also, i bet you didn't make that exact method when you started out, given that starting out means that you're a beginner, and didn't know the EPLL algorithms at the time. Meep Poggerson (talk)

First of all Epidote is not “as good as cfop” but yes we have a community of solvers, not quite a big one but yes we do. And also yes I made that exact method that u r stating. Also yes I knew EPLL at the very start, I started out kind of doing cfop by using sunes and F (sexy move) F’ to solve OLL and a weird RFB gen algorithm to solve CP before ending with EPLL which I learnt in full at the very start. I am sick of arguing with u, so I am just gonna leave it to the mods/admins. Twisted101 (talk) PS: Corner’s first is a group of methods not just one, only ones that have significance like LMCF deserve to have their own pages.

significance is subjective, and it doesn't matter, its still information and it doesn't hurt to make a page about something. also, if countless people have made it before as you said, then it's significant. Meep Poggerson (talk)

Significantly bad! sorry I couldn’t resist the urge lmao. Anyways Countless people have made “rouxfop” that doesn’t make it significant Twisted101 (talk)

we really gotta start this wiki over or something man


The Wiki is not for methods that have not been developed or fleshed out. That's what the forums, Discord servers and Facebook groups are for. You need to workshop them with other people and generate algorithms for the steps etc - even ignoring that all the basic corners-first methods were outlined in the 70s, the first step of the method is "solve all corners" - how do you do this? There are so many different ways to solve the corners of a cube.

There's no need to have an entire Wiki page for every single method anyone has ever made or reinvented. We do not have formal notability guidelines but we do have some measures that must be met for a page to be justified, like practicality, historical relevance, novelty etc. If the CEEO page must stay up, I would like it to be renamed to its original name from 50 years ago and to have correct historical information - perhaps Athefre can chime in?

Also, you all need to act more mature about this, please stop blanking pages and adding complaints to Wiki pages themselves.

Billabob (talk) 00:35, 19 July 2024 (UTC)

thanks for asking them to act more mature about this, billabob, but im going to inform these people about this too: alright, this whole thing has given me a horrible first impression on the speedsolving wiki and just wikis in general. i was excited to contribute to a wiki for the first time, but i wish that i had never done that and im quite disappointed in this whole thing. i wish i was just able to contribute to anything at all for once. bye.