From Wiki
I was first introduced to the cube early in 2008, and got into speed cubing in January 2009 The main methods I use are:
- 2x2 Speed: Guimond/Ortega
- 2x2 Blind: Old Pochmann (with A-perm)
- 3x3 Speed: ZZ (using COLL/EPLL and OCLL/PLL for LL)
- 3x3 Blind: M2/Old Pochmann
- 3x3 FMC: Heise/Freestyle
- 4x4 Speed: Z4
I also have a general interest in methods and finding new developments. Related threads:
- Intuitive 3x3 Solution (no algs)
- CF + Roux
- Beginner 3x3 Tutorial (1 alg solution)
- Beginner (2-Alg) Guimond Method
- 3x3 Guimond Method
- Roux/Fridrich Hybrid for 4x4
- Simultaneous EO and edge pairing for ZZ on 4x4
- Mirrored Inverse Sexy Method (MirIS)
A fair amount of my cubing time is spent programming cube related software. Examples include:
- VisualCube - cube image generator
- cTimer - online cube timer
- Algorithm Database
- Algorithm Translator
- Coracle - corner lookahead drill
- Random-state 3x3 Scrambler
- Web-based WCA-style Scrambler
- JavaScript Puzzle Visualisations - interactive 3D puzzle visualisations in the browser. Supports NxN, megaminx, pyraminx, square-1 and skewb.
Since I cheated on my first 3x3 (Using Dan Brown's Video) I've decided never to do it again (for the first solve anyway). So far I've managed:
4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7, Pyraminx, Megaminx, Square-1, Rubik's Clock, Mirror Blocks, 3x3 picture cube, Void Cube, Magic, Mefferts Morphegg and Mastermorphix.
Cride5 14:28, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
Wiki Work
Main work on the wiki so far has been:
External Links
Click for my:
- homepage
- ZZ Method Tutorial - with links to all other cubing related tutorials/software.
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