Stuff to say that doesn't require rambling
I'm a British speedcuber, averaging sub-12 with the Roux method, making me one of the fastest solvers using the method. I hold the SpeedBLD UWR, with 9.18 seconds using the Roux method.
My username for both SS and Youtube is 5BLD, don't ask me why. I don't even do 4BLD.
I'm currently 6th in the UK for 3x3, and 7th in the UK for one-handed.
How I began
The first time I saw a cube was back in 2008 when I saw my friend solving it in class. In February 2011 I bought my first cube and started trying to solve it. I eventually did, by writing down short algs and figuring out which pieces they affected, finding that 'break and restore' strategy, which I now know are commutators. I must've gotten lucky as I didn't need to do anything to the edges.... and I worked out corners- only algorithms that didn't destroy the edges.
Of course, I couldn't do it again after that, and gave in to the temptation of the solution book, but still using the first steps of my 'method'.
The main methods I use are:
- 2x2 Speed: Guimond/Ortega/EG
- 2x2 Blind: Old Pochmann
- 3x3 Speed: Roux (Full CMLL)
- 3x3 Blind: M2/Old Pochmann
- 3x3 One handed: Roux
- 3x3 With Feet: Roux/ "'Petrus
- 3x3 FMC: Heise/Freestyle
- 4x4 Speed: 'K4/Meyer/Method of Methods (my own method, but I gave it a silly name.)
My 4x4 method
It's called Method of Methods just because my friend Josh suggested it. However! It's not based on any methods at all. Well it's loosely based around the Roux method and Stadler and Yau. I will explain in detail below if I can be bothered.
Wiki Work
Main work on the wiki so far has been:
Nothing apart from this page. There will be work soon though.
External Links
Click for my: