Twisty Corners of Last Layer

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TCLL (2x2x2) method
Information about the method
Proposer(s): Robert Yau

Christopher Olson

Proposed: 2013
Alt Names: none
Variants: LBL


No. Steps: 2
No. Algs: 128 (86 for only TCLL)
Avg Moves: <15

TCLL or Twisty Corners of Last Layer is an advanced 2x2 method proposed in 2013 by Robert Yau and Chris Olson based off a study into RoFL (ROtten First Layer) by Stefan Pochmann. It is efficient and is very good for those who can 1-look their 2x2 solves and cancel into algorithms. It can be divided into 3 subsets: regular CLL, TCLL- (where the misoriented corner in DR faces to the right) and TCLL+ (where the corner faces to the front). There are 43 algorithms for each TCLL set and 42 for the CLL.


  1. Solve a layer (one corner can be twisted in place)
  2. TCLL


  • Can easily be 1-looked in almost all cases fairly easily.
  • Lots of cancellations can be formed between the layer and the algorithm
  • Building a layer with a twisted corner is much shorter than building a full layer
  • Can have ridiculously easy solves


  • It is not generally recommended to use TCLL as a stand alone method
  • Beginners may find it difficult to 1-look solves and take advantage of the cancellations
  • 2 Times more algorithms than CLL

Example Solves

  1. R' F' R2 F R' U' F2 R' U'
    • x2 y' (Canceling moves instead of doing U2 R U2 R) U2 F R F' R U
  2. F' R U' R' U F2 R' U2 R2
  3. y' L' U' L' F' L F U2 L' U2 L
  4. U R' F R' U2 R F' R U'
    • z2 U' (Canceling moves instead of doing R U' R') R U2 R' U2 R U2 R' U

Solves by Chris Olson.

See Also

External Links