Shelley Chang
From Wiki
Shelley Chang is an American speedcuber and the first female to solve the 3x3 and 4x4 blindfolded in competition. As one of the earliest competitors in Caltech's first competitions, Shelley has since been closely involved in organization of competitions, both in California and on the national level. In particular, she has been responsible for setting up many competition websites.
Shelley proposed Shellie's Sillie Square-1 Method.
Shelley has been an active member and a moderator on the Speedsolving Forums since (when?). Among her many contributions to the SS community its culture and are:
- producing, with impressive speed, many profile pictures during the Alot profile picture takeover of 2010
- starting The Carrot articles
External links
- Shelley's blog and website
- Interview with Shelley Chang
- The Carrot is hiring new staff writers
- The Carrot