List of Skewb methods

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This article lists the best known Skewb methods and their proposers.

Sarah's method

This is "My method" (formerly Two-look "gogogogogo") by Sarah Strong.

Beginner's variation

  1. Solve the first layer from Scrambled skewb state.
  2. Solve the remaining corners from First layer skewb state.
  3. Solve the opposite center from Corners + 1 center skewb state.
  4. Solve the remaining centers from Corners + 2 opposite centers skewb state.

Intermediate variation

  1. Solve the first layer from Scrambled skewb state.
  2. Solve the remaining corners and the opposite center from First layer skewb state.
  3. Solve the remaining centers from Corners + 2 opposite centers skewb state.

Advanced variation (L2L Method)

  1. Solve the first layer from Scrambled skewb state.
  2. Solve the remaining corners and centers from First layer skewb state.

You can find L2L algs here.

Kirjava-Meep method

This is Kirjava-Meep method (also known as the Secret method) by Thom Barlow and Kristopher De Asis.

  1. Solve the first face from Scrambled skewb state.
  2. Solve the corners from First face skewb state.
  3. Solve the centers from Corners + 1 Center skewb state.

Ranzha's Method

This is the Ranzha's Skewb Method by Brandon Harnish.

Original Method

  1. Create a Petrus Block from Scrambled skewb state.
  2. Create the Welder's Mask from Petrus Block skewb state.
  3. Solve the remaining centres (L4C) from Welder's Mask skewb state.
  4. Orient the corners (CLL) from 1st layer + centers skewb state.

Beginner's variation

  1. Match one center with one corner from Scrambled skewb state.
  2. Match one more corner from 1 center + 1 adjacent corner skewb state. (Or match one more center from 1 center + 1 adjacent corner skewb state.)
  3. Match one more center from 1 center + 2 adjacent corners skewb state. (Or position one more corner from 2 adjacent centers + 1 adjacent corner skewb state and then orient it from 2 adjacent centers + 1 adjacent corner + 1 permuted adjacent corner skewb state.)
  4. Permuting the corners from Petrus Block skewb state.
  5. Orienting the corners from Petrus Block + permuted corners skewb state.
  6. Solve the remaining centres from Welder's Mask skewb state.
  7. Orient the corners from 1st layer + centers skewb state.

Advanced variation

  1. Create a Petrus Block from Scrambled skewb state.
  2. Create the Welder's Mask from Petrus Block skewb state.
  3. Solve the rest in one algorithm (L4C+CLL) from Welder's Mask skewb state.

Algorithms for L4C+CLL are available at

Monkeydude1313's Method

This is Monkeydude1313's method by Chris Bird. This method uses only one algorithm.

Original Method (called Cyril Castella's Method or Monkeydude1313's Method)

  1. Solve the 1st layer from Scrambled skewb state.
  2. Place the centers from 1st layer skewb state.
  3. Solve the remaining corners from 1st layer + centers skewb state.

Cyril Castella's beginner's variation

  1. Permute 1st layer corners next to a center from Scrambled skewb state.
  2. Orient 1st layer corners from Permuted corners skewb state.
  3. Place the centers from 1st layer skewb state.
  4. Solve the remaining corners from 1st layer + centers skewb state.

Skrouxb Method

This is the Skrouxb method by Benjamin Pang.

  1. Match 1 center and 2 adjacent corners from Scrambled skewb state.
  2. Match the opposite center and 2 adjacent corners from 1 Roux Block skewb state.
  3. Solve the corners of the totally unsolved face by orienting them from 2 Roux Blocks skewb state.
  4. Solve the remaining centers from Corners + 2 opposite centers skewb state.

Milan's Method and variations

This is the Milan's method by Milan Baticz.

Milan's Method

  1. Create a Petrus block (2 corners and 2 centers between them) from Scrambled skewb state.
  2. Solve the remaining centers from Petrus block skewb state.
  3. Solve the last 6 corners from Centers + 2 adjacent corners skewb state.

Robert Yau's first variation

  1. Create a Petrus block (2 corners and 2 centers between them) from Scrambled skewb state.
  2. Permute any corner next to the Petrus block from Petrus block skewb state.
  3. Orient the permuted corner while solving the remaining centers from Petrus block + 5 permuted corners skewb state.
  4. Solve the last 4 corners from Centers + U corner + top corners skewb state.

Robert Yau's second variation

  1. Create a Petrus block (2 corners and 2 centers between them). from Scrambled skewb state.
  2. Permute any corner next to the Petrus block from Petrus block skewb state.
  3. Solve the remaining centers and permute the last 3 non-permuted corners from Petrus block + 5 permuted corners skewb state.
  4. Orient the last 6 corners from Centers + U corner + 1 top corner + permuted corners skewb state.

Robert Yau's third variation

Original variation

  1. Create a Petrus block (2 corners and 2 centers between them). from Scrambled skewb state.
  2. Solve the remaining centers from Petrus block skewb state.
  3. Solve one more adjacent corner from Centers + 2 adjacent corners skewb state.
  4. Solve the 5 remaining corners from Centers + 3 adjacent corners skewb state.

Ranzha's variation of Robert Yau's third variation

  1. Create a Petrus block (2 corners and 2 centers between them) from Scrambled skewb state.
  2. Solve the remaining centers and 1 corner next to the Petrus block from Petrus block skewb state.
  3. Solve the last 5 corners from Centers + 3 adjacent corners skewb state.

Jaap's Solutions

This are the Jaap's solutions by Jaap Scherphuis.

Solution 1

  1. Solve the 3 top corners from Scrambled skewb state.
  2. Solve the 3 top centers from 3 top corners skewb state.
  3. Orient the D corner from 3 top corners + top centers skewb state.
  4. Solve the remaining centers from 3 top corners + top centers + D corner skewb state.
  5. Solve the final 4 corners from Centers + 3 top corners + D corner skewb state.

Solution 2

  1. Solve the 3 top corners from Scrambled skewb state.
  2. Solve the 3 top centers from 3 top corners skewb state.
  3. Solve the U corner from 3 top corners + top centers skewb state.
  4. Orient the D corner from Top skewb state.
  5. Solve the remaining corners and centers from Top + D corner skewb state.

Solution 3

  1. Solve the 3 top corners from Scrambled skewb state.
  2. Solve the U corner from 3 top corners skewb state.
  3. Orient the D corner from Top corners skewb state.
  4. Orient the remaining corners from Top corners + D corner skewb state.
  5. Solve the centers from Corners skewb state.

Pyraminx-like solve

  1. Solve as a Pyraminx from Scrambled skewb state.
  2. Solve the 4 remaining corners from Pyraminx solved skewb state.

Corners First

This is the Corners First method.

  1. Match 4 corners of a layer from Scrambled skewb state.
  2. Match all other corners from 4 corners of 1st layer skewb state.
  3. Solve centers from Corners skewb state.