Rubik's cube (puzzle type)

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A Rubik's Cube in its solved position.

The Rubik's cube (also known as the 3x3x3 cube, and normally referred to as the 3x3x3 or 3x3) is a twistable puzzle in the shape of a cube that is cut two times along each of three axes. It is said to be the best-selling toy in history, with well over 300 million cubes sold, and because of this popularity it is the most commonly practiced cube in speedsolving. The main brand is Rubik's, which was first patented by Erno Rubik in 1975, and which began being produced on a wide scale in the early 1980s. Recently the cubing community has seen the development of DIY cubes made in China, which many say are better for speedcubing than the official cubes.

This puzzle has 6 fixed centers, 12 edges, and 8 corners, and a total of 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 (or 4.3 x 10^19) positions. It has been proved that every position can be solved in 22 or fewer moves, and many believe that this can be improved to 20 moves.

See also:

Cubic twisty puzzles

2x2x2 | 3x3x3 | 4x4x4 | 5x5x5 | 6x6x6 | 7x7x7 | more...

Skewb | Master Skewb | Rex cube | Dino cube | Helicopter cube | Curvy Copter

Crazy 4×4×4 cube (version 1) | Crazy 4×4×4 cube (version 2) | Crazy 4×4×4 cube (version 3)

Gear cube | Gear cube extreme

Constrained cube (90°) (mechanism variation of 3x3x3) | Void cube (mechanism variation of 3x3x3) | Latch Cube (mechanism variation of 3x3x3)

Void cube | Shepherd's cube (sticker variation of 3x3x3) | Labyrinth cube (sticker variation of 3x3x3) | Supercube (sticker variation of NxNxN cubes)

Square 1 | Square 2

Bandaged cube