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Petrus-W method
Information about the method
Proposer(s): WarriorCatCuber
Proposed: 2020
Alt Names: none
Variants: Petrus
No. Steps: 6
No. Algs: 1-525 (for the last layer and DF edge)
Avg Moves: 47

Petrus-W is a method for solving the 3x3x3 cube invented by WarriorCatCuber in 2020. The method is a variant on the Petrus method and is efficient enough to be used for advanced speedsolving.


The steps are as follows:

  1. 2x2x2: Solve a 2x2x2 block in the back of the cube
  2. 2x2x3: Expand the 2x2x2 block into a 2x2x3 block, also on the back of the cube
  3. EO: Fix the misoriented edges on the cube with ZZ-style EO (Edges oriented relative to where it belongs on the U, F, and D layers)
  4. L2P: Solve the final two corner-edge pairs while only using R, U, L and F2 moves to preserve EO.You can also use the M' U2 M sequence.. This leaves only the last layer and the Down-Front edge piece to be solved
  5. COLL: Solve the remaining 4 corners while preserving EO using COLL
  6. L5EP: Permute the final five edges with L5EP as in Portico


  • Very few cube rotations are required; if you are able to plan your 2x2x3 in inspection, the number drops to zero
  • EO is more free than in Petrus
  • L2P has less regrips than in Petrus F2L


  • Just like in Petrus, you cannot look into EO during inspection time
  • L5EP has slightly more algorithms than EPLL
  • Unlike in Petrus or ZZ, you cannot easily solve the last layer in one look


Petrus-W was originally proposed on the SpeedSolving Forums by user WarriorCatCuber on February 6, 2020. According to the creator, the idea came from a misinterpretation of another user's critique of a solve with the Petrus Method. After some thought and improvement, WarriorCatCuber decided to show the other forum users his new idea.


  • CLP: After preparing the last Corner-Edge Pair for insertion, CLP can be used to orient and permute corners while finishing L2P, skipping the COLL step
  • WV/SV + HKPLL: After preparing the last Pair for insertion, Winter Variation or Summer Variation can be used to orient the corners while finishing L2P. Then HKPLL can be used to permute the remaining 4 corners and 5 edges
  • HK: After L2P, use the subsets of HKOLL where edges are already oriented, then use HKPLL to permute the remaining 4 corners and 5 edges. (This is similar to the Hawaiian Kociemba Method)
  • F2L: Instead of only solving the left and right pairs, all of F2L is completed, allowing for a better finish. This makes the Last Layer easier, but reduces L2P efficiency
  • Petrus-W-C: During the Last slot, ZZ-c OLS is used to reduce the cube to HKPLL.

See also

External links