Classic Pochmann

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Classic Pochmann, earlier named Old Pochmann is a 2-cycle blindfold method invented by Stefan Pochmann. The general idea is that you solve one piece at a time, using PLL algorithms T and J for the edges as well as Y for the corners, and appropriate setup moves for each possible target. It is considered one of the simplest and easiest to learn blindfold methods.

The drawback is the move count, because it only solves one piece at the time and you need to do setup moves and a PLL alg each time a full solve can be well over 200 turns, advanced methods like freestyle BLD uses some 70-80.

Classic Pochmann on 2x2x2

One of the easiest ways to solve the 2x2x2 cube blindfolded is via a PBL corner-swap algorithm. Conceptually, it is similar to corners phase of Classic Pochmann on 3x3x3. Unlike CP on the 3x3x3 there are no parity issues because single corner swaps can be done without affecting any other pieces.


To solve a corner in the UFL buffer position do the following:

  1. Look at the upward facing sticker of the piece in the UFL position. Locate the position this sticker would normally occupy when solved. Move this sticker position into the U-face of the URF position, without disturbing the UFL corner. This is the setup move.
  2. Apply the adjacent corner swap algorithm (R' F R' B2 R F' R' B2 R2 U') to move the corner in UFL into the URF position.
  3. Undo the setup move.

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