OLL (2x2x2)

From Speedsolving.com Wiki

These algorithms orient the top layer on a 2x2x2. Three variants of these algorithms are given depending on how they affect the rest of the cube. The parts of algorithms are grouped together for easier memorization and visual distinction.

When you accomplishe this step, you can move to PLL (2x2x2), or for more advanced methods such as Ortega, PBL.


  • According which method:
    • Algs which don't affect the bottom layer (suitable for both LBL and Ortega) are unmarked
    • Algs which affect bottom layer permutation (suitable for Ortega only) are marked with an O (these are also useful for EG 1)
    • Algs which mix bottom and top layers (suitable if used with Guimond-style separation) are marked with a G
  • For optimal moves:
    • As a triple (x, y, z) where x is the number of optimal moves that don't affect bottom layer, y for O, and z for G.
    • A question mark means that number of optimal moves is not known. But always x ≥ y ≥ z.



Name: Sune
Used in: OLL (2x2x2)
Optimal moves: (7, 6, 5) HTM

Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL (R U R' U) (R U2' R')
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL O: R' D R2 F2 D R'
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL O: R' D R2 (y) R2 D R'
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL O: (y2) L' D L2 (y) L2 D L'
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL G: (y') R2 U' R U' R



Name: Anti-Sune
Used in: OLL (2x2x2)
Optimal moves: (7, 6, 5) HTM

Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL R U2 R' U' R U' R'
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL (y') R' U' R U' R' U2 R
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL O: (y') R D' R2 F2 D' F
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL O: (y') R D' R2 (y') R2 D' R
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL G: R2 U R' U R



Name: L
Used in: OLL (2x2x2)
Optimal moves: (7, ?, 5) HTM

Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL (y') (F' U F) (U R U' R')
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL F (R U' R') U' (R U R') F'
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL F R' F' R U R U' R'
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL R' F R B' R' F' R B
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL y' F' (R U R' U') (R' F R)
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL G: (y) F R U2 R' F



Name: U
Used in: OLL (2x2x2)
Optimal moves: (6, 6, 5) HTM

Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL (y2) F (R U R' U') F'
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL F (U R U' R') F'
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL (y') R' F' U' F U R
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL O: (y') R U2 R U2 R U R2
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL G: (y') R U2 R U2 R



Name: H
Used in: OLL (2x2x2)
Optimal moves: (5, ?, 3) HTM

Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL R2 U2' R' U2 R2
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL R2 U2 R U2 R2
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL F (R U R' U')3 F'
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL R U2 R' U' (R U R' U') (R U' R')
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL G: R2 U2 R



Name: T
Used in: OLL (2x2x2)
Optimal moves: (7, ?, 6) HTM

Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL (y) (R U R' U') (F' U' F)
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL (R U R' U') (R' F R F')
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL R U R' U' L' U R U' (x')
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL G: (y2) R U' R' F' U F



Name: Pi
Used in: OLL (2x2x2)
Optimal moves: (9, 7, 7) HTM

Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL (y) R U2 R2 U' R2 U' R2 U2 R
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL (y) F (R U R' U') (R U R' U') F'
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL (y') F (U R U' R') (U R U' R') F'
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL O: (R U R2) F' (R2 U R')
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL O: R' F R2 U' R2' F R
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL O: R U R' L' U' L R U R'
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif OLL G: (R U R' U') (R U2 R')


For the algs marked G, the inverse of the final move may be used to create a better separation case.

See also

External links