OLLCP-A, corner permutation and edges orientation of the last layer, an experimental method for the 3x3x3 cube that permutes the last layer corners and orients the last layer edges preserving F2L.
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Orientation of Last Layer and Corner Permutation
OLLCP-A is an experimental LL method which both orients the last layer edges and permutes the last layer corners when the corners are already oriented. Thus after this step only EPLL remains. It would normally be used as an add on to the CFOP / Fridrich method when a CO skip occurs (1/27 solves) but it may also be used as the second step in a 3-look last layer where the first step is OCLL (orientation of corners).
OLLCP-A is a subset of OLLCP (OLL + CP, AKA OCPLL) which is the same as CLLEO (CLL + EO, AKA CEOLL). OLLCP is an advanced LL method with 331 cases and solves all of the last layer except EPLL in one look.
See also
- OLLCP. Advanced LL method which both orients the last layer and solves the corners
- CFOP. Method which solves the last layer using OLL and PLL
- CFCE. Method which solves the last layer using CLL and ELL
- EPLL. Edge Permutation of the Last Layer which follows OLLCP
External links
OLLCP-A cases
There are 15 cases, three of them have corners correctly permuted (CLL skip) and may be solved in one look using ELL, two has got edges oriented and may be solved in one look using PLL (OLL skip). Removing those cases it is only 10 left (2 are mirror cases) and of those 4 may be solved using J-PLL + M setup and one can be solved using Y-PLL (or V-PLL) with a M move setup.
Corners permuted
Adjacent flip
Use ELL to solve in one look.
Opposite flip
Use ELL to solve in one look.
Use ELL to solve in one look.
Edges oriented
Adjacent PLL
Use PLL to solve in one look.
Diagonal PLL
Use PLL to solve in one look.
Adjacent corners
Diagonal corners
Adjacent flip
Opposite flip