Look ahead
From Speedsolving.com Wiki
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Look ahead, the art of seeing what comes next, one of the most important components in advanced speedsolving, in any method.
When solving a step, try to look for the pieces that are needed for the next step while turning. Solvers with good lookahead can make their solves close to or completely pauseless, allowing a faster solve
External links
- YouTube: Fridrich F2L: Going Slow and Looking Ahead (Tutorial)
- Youtube: Fridrich method Look Ahead tutorial by CUBE PORTAL
- Speedsolving.com: Fridrich F2L: Going Slow and Looking Ahead (Tutorial)
- Speedsolving.com: General Tips on HOW to look ahead?
- Speedsolving.com: F2L Look Ahead Methods?
- RiDo's Blog: Improve look ahead