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Hall-2 method
Information about the method
Proposer(s): Daylen Hall , Kristopher Tibbetts , Ethan Hayes
Proposed: June 2023
Alt Names: none
Variants: 4BOP
No. Steps: 3
No. Algs: 52-788
Avg Moves:

The Hall-2 method is a method by Daylen Hall as a speedsolving method. It’s made as a solution to the problems with Hall Method with better recognition and ergonomics. It was helped with development by Kristopher Tibbetts and algorithms being provided by CubeAlgs101. It is currently still in development. (NOTE-further developments have made this section and development section outdated)


After the creation of Hall Method the development of the method was proving difficult. The PLTP algorithms included WDLL and was overall not very ergonomic except for the 2Gen algs. And OLTP had hard recognition and bad ergonomics. In that time Daylen Hall made DHC method which was the base of Hall-2. While on a discord discussion with Kristopher Tibbetts the thought of doing the steps from Hall method on the DHC base was made. The algs had better recognition and ergonomics. After a few more modifications afterwards the final version of Hall-2 was made.

The Steps

  • 1.F2L-DR/DFR-Solve your F2L without the DR edge and DFR corner. This can be done a variety of ways.
  • 2.OLTP-Orient the remaining pieces on the cube in one algorithm.(335 algorithms)
  • 3.PLTP-Permute the remaining pieces in one algorithm.(453 algorithms)

A beginner way of PLTP by Kristopher Tibbetts is you use an algorithm to solve the F2L Then do PLL. This has 25 algorithms.

The the official beginner way is EO , CO , CP , L5EP. This has a total of 52 algs.


  • Can be Rotationless
  • Ergonomic
  • Easy recognition
  • Low Movecount.


  • Lots of algorithms
  • Block building can be hard for beginners.

Example Solves

Example solves by CubeAlgs101.

Solve 1

  • Scramble-L2 R2 D' B2 R2 D2 F2 D' R2 D R2 U' L' D' U' B2 L B R D' L2
  • L F' L2 F' L F' R2 u' // 222 (8/8)
  • U R' F U' F2 R2 // 223 extension (6/14)
  • U F' U' F' U' L' U' L R U R' // FL FR DFL (10/24)
  • U' F R U r' F R' F r U' F' // OLTP (11/35)
  • U' M' U2 M U' M' U2 M U' // PLTP (9/44)

Moves=45 STM

Solve 2

  • Scramble-R2 F' R2 B F D2 L2 D2 R2 B' U2 R2 D' F' U' R' F L D' F D
  • z2 x' // inspection (0/0)
  • D2 U' F' B // 123 (4/4)
  • R r2 U' M' U r U2 r' // 223 extension (8/12)
  • R U' R' U2 R U' R' y // FL FR DFL (7/19)
  • U F R U r' F R' F2 r U' F' // OLTP (11/30)
  • U' R2 F2 U R2 U R2 U2 F2 R2 U2 // PLTP (11/41)

Moves-42 STM

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