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Farz method
Farz 200px.png
Information about the method
Proposer(s): Faris Zamani
Proposed: 2023
Alt Names:
Variants: Farz-FXBar , Farz-ExDRB , Farz-F6CP , Farz-CLL , Farz-COBR , Farz-CLS , Farz-TSLE
No. Steps: 4-6
No. Algs: 189 - 250
Avg Moves:
Purpose(s): Speedsolving


Farz Method is a 3x3 speedsolving method invented by Faris Zamani in July 2023. Inspired by Mehta method, this method is invented to maximizing the advantages of both algorithmic and intuitive steps. This method also taking advantages from the optimization of steps that already popular like cross in CFOP and First Block in Roux. The algorithm count is quite a lot, but still reasonable for intermediate speedcubers.

Important Acronyms

  • FXBar - Farz's Extended Bar
  • ExDRB - Extended DR Block
  • F6CO - Final 6 Corners Orientation
  • F6CP - Final 6 Corners Permutation
  • F6EP - Final 6 Edges Permutation
  • DL2C - D layer Last 2 Corners
  • COBR - Corners Orientation + BR Edge
  • DBRSlot - DBR F2L Slotting
  • CLL - Corners Last Layer
  • CLS - Corners Last Slot
  • WD-LL - Permutate U layer pieces + FR Edge
  • TSLE - Tran Style Last Edge
  • TTLL - Tran-Thompson Last Layer

First Step:EOTank

EOTank defined as the first two layer is solved except last 2 adjacent F2L slot plus plus EO. This step is broken to 3 substeps for original Farz method:

  1. LB - Left Block: Build 1x2x3 block on left side just like in Roux method.
  2. Arrow - Solve DF,DB, and DR Edges. This steps is actually equivalent to Mehta 3 Quarters Belt since it solving 3 edges too.
  3. 6EO - Orient 6 remaining edges. This step can be done intuitively, but the algorithmic ways is recommended using one of 11 algs.

But, if you're a excellent blockbuilder, just plan and build the whole thing in 1-look EOTank.

Next Step:7-Farzs

7-Farzs is the first 7 variant that originally purposed by Faris Zamani. All the variant have 3 algorithmic steps after EOTank, promising high TPS. CFOP and Roux users is already familiar with most algorithms since most of the variant still including F2L, PLL, OLL, and CLL algorithms.

Farz-FXBar (189 Algs)
3. F6CO - Orient 6 remaining corners (71 Algs)
4. FXBar - Solve bar (FR&BR Edge) + DBR Corner (47 Algs)
5. TTLL - Permutate U layer piece & DFR Corner (71 Algs)

Farz-ExDRB (211 Algs)
3. F6CO - Orient 6 remaining corners (71 Algs)
4. ExDRB - Solve DR Block + BR edge (47 Algs)
5. WD-LL - Permutate U layer pieces + FR Edge (93 Algs)

Farz-F6CP (211 Algs)
3. F6CO - Orient 6 remaining corners (71 Algs)
4. F6CP - Permutate 6 remaining corners (47 Algs)
5. F6EP - Permutate 6 remaining edges(93 Algs)

Farz-CLL (215 Algs)
3. DL2C - Insert D layer's last 2 corners with algorithms (80 Algs)
4. CLL - Orient and permutate U layer corners (42 Algs)
5. L6EP - Permutate 6 remaining edges(93 Algs)

Farz-COBR (220 Algs)
3. DL2C - Insert D layer's last 2 corners with algorithms (80 Algs)
4. COBR - Orient U layer's corners + inserting BR edge(47 Algs)
5. WD-LL - Permutate U layer pieces + FR Edge (93 Algs)

Farz-CLS (250 Algs)
3. DBRSlot - Insert DBR F2L slot (53 Algs)
4. CLS - Orient remaining corners + inserting DFR corner (104 Algs)
5. WD-LL - Permutate U layer pieces + FR Edge (93 Algs)

Farz-TSLE (228 Algs)
3. DBRSlot - Insert DBR F2L slot (53 Algs)
4. TSLE - Insert last edge and orient corners (104 Algs)
5. TTLL - Permutate U layer piece & DFR Corner (71 Algs)

Pros + Cons


  • No rotations
  • Possibly high TPS and low movecount
  • Possibly ergonomics


  • High algorithm count. However, most algorithms that Roux and CFOP users that already memorized can reduces the amount of new algorithm that have to learn.
  • Need drills and practice for faster algorithmic steps recognition and execution.

Apologies from Inventor

A lot of algorithm need to generated, and I have to admit that find the best algorithm for 8 new substeps is pretty tiring. Maybe you scrolled down here to find some algsheet or some example solves for each variant, but actually the algorithm generating process is not done yet so either both of it can't be done. I really sorry for this inconvenient. Pardon my english too TT.

Message for Method Developers
If you are interested to generating the algs for some substeps, analyzing this method movecount and TPS, I'm really, really appreciate it. Also, if you want to fix this article mistake, feel free to do it. This article will be updated asap.
