From Speedsolving.com Wiki

Frequently Asked Questions

Feel free to fill in the answers. Link to posts or sites you feel are relevant or provide your own original content.

Do *not* copy other people's content from their sites and simply paste it in here. That's called plagiarism and it's stealing.


What is the best cube?

Where can I buy cubes?

How do I lubricate my cube?


Where can I buy a timer like they use in competition?

Are there timers on the internet?

Can I download a timer for my computer/phone/psp?

Where can I find a scramble generator?

Where are the rules for WCA competitions?


What is the fastest method?

What is the easiest method?

What is the method that uses the fewest moves?

Should I learn algorithms for F2L or learn it intuitively?

How can I get faster?