Kristopher Tibbetts came up with this method after practicing with APB but thought of how there were too many algorithms (in his opinion) so he decided to make a method similar to APB so that it has the same amount of looks, same Nautilus shape on left, but with less algorithms.
The Steps
1. Solve dl edge
2. 2x2x3 block in dl
3. Solve dBR pair
5. E2CP
6. 2GLL
This is done the same way as APB, first you solve a Roux 1x2x3 block on the left. Then you solve the DF and DB edges using Rru generator moves. It is quite ergonomic and movecount efficient. It takes ≈12 moves on average.
dBR Pair
This is done almost the same as APB but instead of just making the pair, you must also insert it. This can be done on average in around 5.4 moves.
This is where it gets different from APB in this step you solve the DFR corner while orienting all edges. There are 131 algorithms (including JJLS) for this step and it is recognized by the EO case and the position and orientation of the DFR corner. JJLS is a subset of EOLC when the DR edge is oriented it can be used in some cases. This step averages 6.4 moves.
In this step you solve the last 2 edges of F2L while permuting the top layer corners. There are 47 algorithms for this step. It is recognized by first twisting the UFR UFL UBR corners mentally and looking at which of the 6 patterns are made by the FUL FUR RUB stickers, this tells us which corners are swapped and then looking at the position of the FR and DR edges. On average this step takes 8.9 moves.
In this step you orient the last layer corners while permuting last layer edges. It is done using completely R U generator moves. There are 84 algorithms for this step. This step averages 13.1 moves.
Easy Lookahead
Algorithmic for high TPS
Low movecount
Corner permutation might be difficult for beginners to grasp
Relatively high alg count
Epidote averages ≈50 moves, these are the splits:
12 moves for 2x2x3
≈5.5 moves for dBR pair
7.3+0.75 moves for EOLC
9.1+0.75 moves for E2CP
13.1+1.5 moves for 2GLL
Twisty Epidote
In this variant the algs are reduced 259 algorithms but have worse recognition. In this method you solve eo while only permuting the corner not solving it like in normal EOLC, this steps has 40 algorithms. Next step is to twist the corner while doing E2CP, this alg set has 135 algs.
In this variant you do your 223, dBR, EOLC steps just as normal. When you get to E2CP step instead of doing E2CP you do ECLL (Epidote Corners of Last Layer). ECLL is an algorithm set of 42 algorithms which solves the top layer corners while not preserving permutation of the remaining 6 edges. ECLL averages 9.5 moves. Next you permute the remaining six edges in a set called R6EP (remaining 6 edge permutation). this variant hasn’t been tested much and the algorithms are currently being generated but it could potentially be better than standard epidote. This variant has 268 algs total, only 6 more than standard epidote method.
Discord server
In case you are interested there is a discord server dedicated to Epidote! If you have any questions you can join and ask us! Join Here!