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Revision as of 19:33, 5 September 2014 by Martinss (talk | contribs)
Alt Names: Edges orientation of last layer
Variants: BLL Beginner EO, OELL, OLL-E, EO (Ignore C)
No. Algs:
Avg Moves:

Edges orientation of last layer, normally EOLL, is orienting the edges of the last layer. EOLL can be of three types: the most basic is when corners are ignored compleatly, the second level preserves corner orientation (the usal OLL's) and the highest level also preserves corner permutation.

EOLL ignoring corners

Case of two adjacents edges F U R U' R' F'

Case of two opposite edges F R U R' U' F'

Case of no edges R U2 R' F' L' U2 L F R U2 R'

EOLL preserving CO

See: OLL 28, OLL 57, OLL 20

EOLL preserving corners

Case ? M U M' U2 M U M'

Case ?? (x') M' U' R U M U' R' U (x)

Case ??? M' U2 M U2 M' U M U2 M' U2 M