Clock notation
An official WCA scramble for the Rubik's Clock is a random position of all clock faces with random pin settings. The official WCA Rubik's Clock scramble program (by Jaap Scherphuis) creates notation in the form of the following example: -
UU u=-3 dd d=2 dU u=0 dU d=6 dd u=6 UU d=-1 Ud u=3 Ud d=3 dU u=-3 UU Ud u=1 UU UU u=-2 Ud UU u=6 dU UU u=-4 UU dd d=1 dd UU Ud Result Front: 7 10 9 4 4 1 10 7 12 Back: 3 3 5 7 1 4 12 12 2
The groupings of four "U" and "d" characters on the left show which pins are up and down and the "U=<n>, d=<m>" show the clockwise moves in hours to be made on corner clocks with up and down pins respectively.
The scrambles are presented in a condensed format for the weekly competition: for example, the above scramble would be given as...
UUdd u=-3,d=2 / dUdU u=0,d=6 / ddUU u=6,d=-1 / UdUd u=3,d=3 / dUUU u=-3 / UdUU u=1 / UUUd u=-2 / UUdU u=6 / UUUU u=-4 / dddd d=1 / UUUd
Where "UUdd u=-3,d=2" means the Up-Left-pin is Up, the Up-Right-pin is Up, the Down-Left-pin is Down, the Down-Right-pin is Down and you need to turn a corner that has its pin up counter-clockwise by 3 hours and you need to turn a corner that has its pin down clockwise by 2 hours.
See also
- Clock (puzzle type)
- Rubik's Clock (brand)
- Clock methods