CLL algorithms (3x3x3)

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CLL method
Information about the method
Proposer(s): Guus Razoux Schultz
Proposed: 1981
Alt Names:
Variants: COLL, CMLL
No. Steps: 1
No. Algs: 40 + 2
Avg Moves: 9.18

CLL 3x3x3, algorithms for the first last layer step of the CLL-ELL approach. This step preserves the first two layers but not the last layer edges. How you solve F2L is a matter of choise but the orginal method (CFCE) uses cross and F2L.

See also:


U cases | T cases | L cases | S cases | -S cases | H cases | pi cases | edit


Note that all of these algorithms are written in the Western notation, where a lowercase letter means a double-layer turn and rotations are denoted by x, y, and z. (how to add algorithms)

Click on an algorithm (not the camera icon) to watch an animation of it.

See CxLL for information about the diagrams.

The first alg given for each case is optimal in Half Turn Metric, please do not add algs on top of them, insert your contributions at the bottom of the list(s).

U cases


CxLL U U.jpg

Name: U U
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 11 HTM

Description: Only orientation. This case and the T U case are actually the same because all corners are permuted and two of them are twisted in position. Orient the T-case x' y2 and it will become this case.
Recognition: For all U cases look at two "bars" of stickers, one at Fur-Ful and one at Urb-Ulb, at the F-side it is one single colour and in the U-face there are two opposite colours.


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL R2 F' U F U' F' U' F2 R F' R
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y2) R U R' U R U2 R2 U' R U' R' U2 R
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y) R U2 R' U' R U' R' L' U2 L U L' U L


CxLL U D.jpg

Name: U D
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 6 HTM

Description: 2-cycle, self mirror and self inverse. This is the case you solve using F R U R' U' F' (the shortest OLL).
Recognition: For all U cases you look at two "bars" of stickers, one at Fur-Ful and one at Urb-Ulb, at the F-side there are two opposite colours and in the U-face it is one single colour.


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y') F R U R' U' F'
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif Alg !


CxLL U R.jpg

Name: U R
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 9 HTM

Description: Mirror of U L, inverse of L L,
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y2) R2 D R' U2 R D' R' U2 R'


CxLL U F.jpg

Name: U F
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 9 HTM

Description: Self mirroring, inverse of T F,
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL R2 F2 R' B2 R F2 R' B2 R'


CxLL U L.jpg

Name: U L
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 9 HTM

Description: Mirror of U R, inverse of L F
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y2) L2 D' L U2 L' D L U2 L


CxLL U B.jpg

Name: U B
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 10 HTM

Description: 2-cycle, self mirror and self inverse.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y2) r' (y') R' U2 L' U R U' L U2 (y) r

T cases


CxLL T U.jpg

Name: T U
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 11 HTM

Description: Inverse of U U,
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL F R' F R2 U' R' U' R U R' F2
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL R U2 R' U' R U' R2 U2 R U R' U R
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y') R U R' U R U2 R' L' U' L U' L' U2 L


CxLL T D.jpg

Name: T D
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 10 HTM

Description: 2-cycle, self mirror and self inverse.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL F2 L2 F' U R U' R' F L2 F2
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y2) F2 L2 F' R U R' U' F L2 F2


CxLL T R.jpg

Name: T R
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 8 HTM

Description: Mirror of T L, inverse of L R,
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y') r' U' R U L U' R' U (x)
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y) L' U' L U r U' L' U (x')


CxLL T F.jpg

Name: T F
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 9 HTM

Description: Self mirroring, Inverse of U F,
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y') l' U2 R' D2 R U2 R' D2 R2 (x')


CxLL T L.jpg

Name: T L
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 8 HTM

Description: Mirror of T R, inverse of L L,
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y) l U L' U' R' U L U' (x)
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y') R U R' U' l' U R U' (x')


CxLL T B.jpg

Name: T B
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 10 HTM

Description: 2-cycle, self mirror and self inverse.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL R' U R U2 L' R' U R U' L
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y2) R U' R' U2 L R U' R' U L' (y2)
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (x) U R U' L U R2 U R U2 L' (x')

L cases


CxLL L U.jpg

Name: L U, Triple Sune
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 11 HTM

Description: Only orientation.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL L B' D2 B L' U2 L B' D2 B L'
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL R' U2 R U R' U F' L F' L' F2 R
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y') R U R' U R U' R' U R U' R' U R U2 R'


CxLL L D.jpg

Name: L D
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 9 HTM

Description: 2-cycle, self mirror and self inverse.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL R U2 R2 F R F' R U2 R'


CxLL L R.jpg

Name: L R
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 8 HTM

Description: Mirror of L B, inverse of T R,
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (x') U' R U L' U' R' U r


CxLL L F.jpg

Name: L F
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 9 HTM

Description: Mirror of L L, inverse of U L,
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y2) L' U2 L' D' L U2 L' D L2


CxLL L L.jpg

Name: L L
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 9 HTM

Description: Mirror of L F, Inverse of U R
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y) R U2 R D R' U2 R D' R2


CxLL L B.jpg

Name: L B
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 8 HTM

Description: Mirror of L R, inverse of T L,
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y' x') U L' U' R U L U' l'

S cases


CxLL aS U.jpg

Name: S U, Sune
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 7 HTM

Description: Only orientation, mirror/inverse of -S U
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y') R U R' U R U2 R'
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL L' U2 L U L' U L


CxLL aS D.jpg

Name: S D
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 11 HTM

Description: Mirror/inverse of -S D
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y) R U R' U L' U R U' L U2 R'


CxLL aS R.jpg

Name: S R
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 8 HTM

Description: Mirror of -S F, inverse of -S R.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y') L' U2 L U2 L F' L' F


CxLL aS F.jpg

Name: S F
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 8 HTM

Description: Mirror of -S R, inverse of -S F.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y') F R' F' R U2 R U2 R'


CxLL aS L.jpg

Name: S L, Anti Niklas
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 10 HTM

Description: Mirror/inverse of -S B.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL B L' U2 L B' L' B U2 B' L


CxLL aS B.jpg

Name: S B, Niklas
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 7 HTM

Description: Mirror/inverse of -S L.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y') R U' L' U R' U' L

aS cases

-S U

CxLL S U.jpg

Name: -S U, Antisune
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 7 HTM

Description: Only orientation, Mirror/inverse of S U
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y2) L' U' L U' L' U2 L
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y) R U2 R' U' R U' R'

-S D

CxLL S D.jpg

Name: -S D
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 11 HTM

Description: Mirror/inverse of S D
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL L' U' L U' R U' L' U R' U2 L

-S R

CxLL S R.jpg

Name: -S R
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 8 HTM

Description: Mirror of S F, inverse of S R,
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y2) F' L F L' U2 L' U2 L

-S F

CxLL S F.jpg

Name: -S F
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 8 HTM

Description: Mirror of S R, inverse of S F.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y2) R U2 R' U2 R' F R F'

-S L

CxLL S L.jpg

Name: -S L, Niklas
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 7 HTM

Description: Mirror/inverse of S B.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL R' U L U' R U L'

-S B

CxLL S B.jpg

Name: -S B, Anti Niklas
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 10 HTM

Description: Mirror/inverse of S L.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL L' B U2 B' L B L' U2 L B'

H cases


CxLL H U.jpg

Name: H U, Double Sune
Occurence: 2:162
Optimal moves: 11 HTM

Description: Only orientation.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL R U2 R' U' R U R' U' R U' R'


CxLL H D.jpg

Name: H D, Triple FRURUF
Occurence: 2:162
Optimal moves: 11 HTM

Description: 2-cycle, self mirror and self inverse.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL r' U2 l2 (x) U2 r' U2 r U2 (x') l2 U2 r
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL F R U R' U' R U R' U' R U R' U' F'


CxLL H R.jpg

Name: H R / H L
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 11 HTM

Description: Inverse of pi B.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y') R U2 R2 F R F' U2 R' F R F'


CxLL H F.jpg

Name: H F / H B
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 10 HTM

Description: Inverse of pi F.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL R' F R F' U2 R2 B' R' B R'

pi cases

pi U

CxLL Pi U imp.jpg

Name: pi U, Bruno
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 9 HTM

Description: Only orientation.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y) R U2 R2 U' R2 U' R2 U2 R
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (x) U R' U2 L U2 R U2 L' U (x')

pi D

CxLL pi D.jpg

Name: pi D
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 10 HTM

Description: 2-cycle, self mirror and self inverse.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y') R' U' R U' R' U F' U F R
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y') R U R' U R d' R U' R' F'
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL R U2 L' d L U2 L' d' L U2 R'

pi R

CxLL pi R.jpg

Name: pi R
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 11 HTM

Description: Mirror/Inverse of pi L.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y2) F' U' L' U L2 F L' U2 L' U2 L
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y) R U2 R' U' R U R' U2 R' F R F'

pi F

CxLL pi F.jpg

Name: pi F
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 10 HTM

Description: Inverse of H F.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y) R B' R B R2 U2 F R' F' R

pi L

CxLL pi L.jpg

Name: pi L
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 11 HTM

Description: Mirror/Inverse of pi R.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y2) F U R U' R2 F' R U2 R U2 R'
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y') L d R U' R2 F' R U2 R U2 R'
Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y') L' U2 L U L' U' L U2 L F' L' F

pi B

CxLL pi B.jpg

Name: pi B
Occurence: 4:162
Optimal moves: 11 HTM

Description: Inverse of H R.
Recognition: !


Speedsolving Logo tiny.gif CLL (y') F R' F' R U2 F R' F' R2 U2 R'


U cases | T cases | L cases | S cases | -S cases | H cases | pi cases | edit