10 Move Memoless (10MM) Method

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10 Moves Memoless method
Information about the method
Proposer(s): Tetra Waffle
Proposed: unknown
Alt Names:
Variants: none
No. Steps: unknown
No. Algs: unknown
Avg Moves: unknown

This method is 10 moves maximum (6 normal and 4 simul) and has no memo. I am calling it forced skip because it skips two corners and two aufs

Pin order: DR UL UR U x2 DR UL UR U dl \ (The pin order can be changed to fit any of the “good” pin orders I think)

(Whenever it says to solve cross to a piece such as R or L, it is the way you would solve the cross in flip)

DR: (simul) match C to U and UL to L

UL: solve cross to R

UR: solve cross to L

U: solve cross to D


DR: (simul) match C to U and UL to L

UL: (simul) match cross pieces to R and DR to D

UR: Solve cross to L

U: Solve cross to D

dl: match UR to DL using the 1 of the 3 up pins

\ (UL and DR): Solve the rest (Match everything to twelve)

Example Solve: UR3- DR2- DL4- UL6+ U6+ R3+ D1- L3- ALL0+ y2 U5- R4- D2- L4- ALL1+ UR DR DL

Starting on the face the scramble ended on DR: 2+ on DR pin, 4+ on UL pin UL: 4+ on UL pin UR: 2+ on UR pin U: 1- on UR pin X2 DR: 3+ on DR, 2- on UL UL: 2+ on UL pin, 5+ on UR UR: 2- on UR pin U: 5- on UR pin dl: 5- on UR or UL pin \: 3- on UL, 2+ on UR

(for moves 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10, you don’t need to turn the same dials as me because multiple pins may be up (for example during a U move both the UR and UL dials could be turned) but I would recommend the dials in the example solve (for example, in move 9, you could turn the DR dial, but I wouldn’t recommend it))

Lucky cases:

Center Edge pair.

This can skip a move on the first side if it is a C and R pair, and a move on the first or second side if it is a C and U pair.

C and R pair example scramble (first side only):

UR3- DR2- DL4- UL6+ U6+ R3+ D1- L3- ALL0+ y2 U5- R4- D2- L0+ ALL1+ UR DR DL

UL move can be skipped, so the first 3 moves are DR2+ (4+ on UL pin) UR2+ U3+ for the first cross (the rest is the same)

C and U pair example scramble

UR3- DR2- DL4- UL6+ U6+ R3+ D3+ L3- ALL0+ y2 U5- R4- D0+ L4- ALL1+ UR DR DL

DR move can be skipped. The UR move will be making a 2x2 block around UL (UR4+ and 6+ on the UL pin). The rest of hte solve will be done as normal

Edge edge pair:

This can skip a move on either side if it is a L and U pair or a D and R pair

L and U pair example scramble

UR3- DR2- DL4- UL6+ U6+ R3+ D1- L3- ALL0+ y2 U5- R2- D2- L4- ALL1+ UR DR DL

The DR move should make a 2x2 block around UL. The UR move is skipped and the rest of the solve is normal

R and D pair example scramble

UR3- DR2- DL4- UL6+ U6+ R3+ D1- L3- ALL0+ y2 U5- R4- D2- L5- ALL1+ UR DR DL

The first move of the cross (DR move) is the same, but the second move (UL move) should make it so that all cross pieces are matched up except for the L clock. The last move of the cross in this situation would be an R move. Additionally, if you are doing this skip on the second side, the UL move should form a 2x2 block around DR, plus the U edge. So the first 3 moves with the example scramble would be

Corner skips: With this method, corner skips are still doable but they only skip half of a simul move so they aren’t as good. UL paired with U corner skips are pretty easy, you just do them the same way as flip, but DR paired with D corner skips require y2 rotations and a slightly different 1st cross so I don’t do them.

Other pin orders: As long as your pin order never has one of the D moves, you can use it for 10mm.

Basically if you never have the DL pin up, then the first side is just using 1 simul move and 3 individual moves to solve the cross + the UL corner (they don’t have to point to 12)

Then the second side is just solving the cross + the UL and DR corners with 2 simul and 2 individual moves.