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ZZ Statue of Kitten - a somewhat new ZZ variant

Jul 21, 2008
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I've been thinking about this lately because I wanted to find another way to exploit 2GLL. This variant is similar to Statue's CPLS but instead of solving an edge before permuting the corners, you solve a corner.

This is Statue's CPLS thread: http://www.speedsolving.com/forum/showthread.php?24125-CPLS-and-2GLL-discussion&highlight=cpls

Here are my thoughts. Starting with the pros:

- Lessens the tedious recognition problem because solving one corner eliminates a corner you have to look at. With enough practice I think you even brute force recognize the corner cycle.
- Less algs. I believe it's something like 9. I guess that's good?


- If you insert the corner too early, you can trap another f2l edge piece you need.
- Assuming that D is white....if you have one corner left and the white sticker is pointing up, it becomes a waste of moves and time to solve the corner by itself.

Here are some thoughts about white corner sticker pointing up:

You can do normal CPLS if the corresponding edge piece is in

FR: CPLS right away

If the white corner sticker isn't pointing up, the corner is solvable in like 3-4 moves. Perhaps you can build a 1x1x3 strip and pair it with a single edge piece?

Here are some questions I have about this variant. Hopefully someone with more knowledge can help.

1. How long/short/ugly are algs that solve the last edge piece while permuting the corners?

2. For white sticker pointing up cases, what else can be done? I thought about orienting all the corners but there would be over 100 cases for that. Not good.

3. Turning a white sticker pointing up case into a regular CPLS case should reduce the number of CPLS cases. How many CPLS cases would be left?

4. What kind of time splits / movecount splits can you imagine?

I'm not crazy about this thing, but it is interesting to me. I just wanted to find the easiest way to a 2GLL finish because they are very fast for OH.
Some quick thoughts and questions (to all)
-I'm trying to remember why I decided to do edge then CPLS rather than corner than CPLS back when I made the other thread.
-average movecount for set-up and CPLS-C (rather than CPLS-E)?
-some nice block-building methods to get the corner in while doing the 2x2x1?
I think would be only 6 algs for ZZ-SK ( 4 Js, 1 y and solved). Avg Move count is exactly 10.


RUL Optimal Algs:
Solved: R' U' R' U' R' U R U R (9)
Y: (U') R U R' L U' R U L' U' R' (10)
J right: R U2 L U2 R' U2 R U2 R' L' (10)
J back: (U2) R L U2 R' U2 R U2 L' U2 R' (10)
J left: (U') R2 L U2 R' U' R U2 L' U R2 (10)
J front: R U L U2 R' U' R U2 L' U' R' (11)
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Very interesting. But I would imagine that CPLS with a solved edge would be a lower move count. And solving the edge first would be easier than solving the corner first.
I guess it'd be easier if you already knew CLL recognition. But for someone who is new to both, I think recognition would be about the same.
CLL recognition is slightly faster, but I think CPLS recognition can match it if practiced well enough.
I have learned all the cases for BRASS step 1, but the recognition can be done during inspection so I haven't really tried to do it quickly.
To solve the white on top problem, bring the cases up to 27 and allow the DFR corner to be misoriented.

EDIT: it could even be just 18 if you only set up with R U R', but knowing all 27 would be helpful.
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To solve the white on top problem, bring the cases up to 27 and allow the DFR corner to be misoriented.

EDIT: it could even be just 18 if you only set up with R U R', but knowing all 27 would be helpful.

And it will make the setup move count avg be sub3 (0+3+3+3+4/ 5 = 2.6). But will mess up recog again =/ (same difficulty as CPLS )

The avg move count for solve the corner is 4.8 with the bad up orientation and 3.9 without it.

And i think that are 18 =P

Edit: Iam dumb =/
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The avg move count of with the corner solved is probably 10 (RUL, so 1 move higher then CPLS), tomorrow i will finish this (2 am here =/)

The extended idea (just put the corner in place but not necessarily in correct orientation) has the same recognition, the same number of cases (of the respective subsets) and probably the same move count as CPLS.
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Only a question: Why place anything?

Is it possible (by means of recognition ) to just bring the cube into 2Gen state (is it 7 cases ?) - maybe doing some partila CO stuff by the way

And than happily solve 2-Gen