a small kitten
I've been thinking about this lately because I wanted to find another way to exploit 2GLL. This variant is similar to Statue's CPLS but instead of solving an edge before permuting the corners, you solve a corner.
This is Statue's CPLS thread: http://www.speedsolving.com/forum/showthread.php?24125-CPLS-and-2GLL-discussion&highlight=cpls
Here are my thoughts. Starting with the pros:
- Lessens the tedious recognition problem because solving one corner eliminates a corner you have to look at. With enough practice I think you even brute force recognize the corner cycle.
- Less algs. I believe it's something like 9. I guess that's good?
- If you insert the corner too early, you can trap another f2l edge piece you need.
- Assuming that D is white....if you have one corner left and the white sticker is pointing up, it becomes a waste of moves and time to solve the corner by itself.
Here are some thoughts about white corner sticker pointing up:
You can do normal CPLS if the corresponding edge piece is in
FR: CPLS right away
If the white corner sticker isn't pointing up, the corner is solvable in like 3-4 moves. Perhaps you can build a 1x1x3 strip and pair it with a single edge piece?
Here are some questions I have about this variant. Hopefully someone with more knowledge can help.
1. How long/short/ugly are algs that solve the last edge piece while permuting the corners?
2. For white sticker pointing up cases, what else can be done? I thought about orienting all the corners but there would be over 100 cases for that. Not good.
3. Turning a white sticker pointing up case into a regular CPLS case should reduce the number of CPLS cases. How many CPLS cases would be left?
4. What kind of time splits / movecount splits can you imagine?
I'm not crazy about this thing, but it is interesting to me. I just wanted to find the easiest way to a 2GLL finish because they are very fast for OH.
This is Statue's CPLS thread: http://www.speedsolving.com/forum/showthread.php?24125-CPLS-and-2GLL-discussion&highlight=cpls
Here are my thoughts. Starting with the pros:
- Lessens the tedious recognition problem because solving one corner eliminates a corner you have to look at. With enough practice I think you even brute force recognize the corner cycle.
- Less algs. I believe it's something like 9. I guess that's good?
- If you insert the corner too early, you can trap another f2l edge piece you need.
- Assuming that D is white....if you have one corner left and the white sticker is pointing up, it becomes a waste of moves and time to solve the corner by itself.
Here are some thoughts about white corner sticker pointing up:
You can do normal CPLS if the corresponding edge piece is in
FR: CPLS right away
If the white corner sticker isn't pointing up, the corner is solvable in like 3-4 moves. Perhaps you can build a 1x1x3 strip and pair it with a single edge piece?
Here are some questions I have about this variant. Hopefully someone with more knowledge can help.
1. How long/short/ugly are algs that solve the last edge piece while permuting the corners?
2. For white sticker pointing up cases, what else can be done? I thought about orienting all the corners but there would be over 100 cases for that. Not good.
3. Turning a white sticker pointing up case into a regular CPLS case should reduce the number of CPLS cases. How many CPLS cases would be left?
4. What kind of time splits / movecount splits can you imagine?
I'm not crazy about this thing, but it is interesting to me. I just wanted to find the easiest way to a 2GLL finish because they are very fast for OH.