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ZZ-CT Progression Thread


Jun 5, 2018
Downtown Swagistan
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F R2 F' U2 R2 B2 R2 F U2 L2 F' U F2 R2 B R U2 B U2 B'

U' D' L' D' B' F' U F L' U2 R2 //eocross but inefficient
L U L2' U' L //1st
U' R' U2 R2 U R' //2nd
d2 // bad habit
U' L' U' L // 3rd
R' D' R U2 R' D R U2 // TTLL+

// 10.05 35stm 3.48tps

I'm not back, not yet. This solve elicited a flurry of emotions. 3.4 TPS??? I suck. 35stm???? I'm a god.


Jun 5, 2018
Downtown Swagistan
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In other news

Generated By csTimer on 2021-09-08
avg of 5: 10.33

Time List:
1. (9.20) L2 F B2 D' R B2 U R2 B' R' F2 D2 R F2 B2 L2 U2 R' F2 L
2. 11.61 F L2 U2 B2 D2 U2 B L2 U2 R2 U' B F' U2 L D B' U2 R U' F
3. (12.63) F2 R2 D' B D2 B' R U' D2 B2 R' U2 R U2 R' U2 L' U2 F2 L2
4. 9.26 U R U' D' L' U2 B2 R F' D L2 F2 B2 D' F2 U2 D' L2 U'
5. 10.13 U2 R L B' U R' D2 B L2 U2 R2 D2 B2 U2 L' B2 R U2 R

PB ao5.


Jun 5, 2018
Downtown Swagistan
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Honesty kinda forgot this thread existed.

Generated By csTimer on 2021-09-30
avg of 5: 10.04

Time List:
1. 9.23 D2 L' B2 U2 F2 U' L2 D B2 D' F2 D' R2 B' D2 R D2 R' D' B2
2. 9.63 B2 D2 B2 L2 B' U2 R2 F' R2 F R2 U F' U R' D' B2 U R2 B2
3. 11.25 L2 U2 R' F L U' B D B2 U2 F' L2 B D2 R2 F2 L2 F U2 B'
4. (12.13) R D2 F2 B R U R2 L' D R2 U2 B2 D2 F D2 L2 F' B2 U2 R2
5. (8.83) F R' B' F' D2 R2 U2 R2 F U2 R2 F' L' B U2 R U' R2 U'

Generated By csTimer on 2021-09-30
avg of 12: 10.97

Time List:
1. 11.40 L' U' R2 D L' B U' B L U' D' F2 U' F2 R2 F2 U2 B2 U
2. 11.52 D2 F' R2 D2 U' R2 D2 F2 L2 F2 U2 F2 R2 F' R B F U2 F L'
3. 11.34 B2 D2 B2 U L2 B2 U' L2 B2 U R2 U' F' L R' U F R' B U L'
4. 11.81 D F2 D2 L2 F2 L2 F2 U R2 D L2 U2 L' D' B2 F' L U2 R2 F R
5. 10.25 U' L' F2 U2 B2 D2 L' F2 L2 U2 R F2 R2 F' D' U' L F' D' R
6. (9.68) R' U' D' F B2 D B D F2 L F2 B2 R D2 B2 R F2 D2 F2 U'
7. 10.29 F2 R D2 R2 B2 U2 F2 L F2 D2 R' B D B2 L2 B' L B' D R
8. 12.33 F' L2 U L2 B2 L2 R2 U' L2 U' L2 U2 B' L' D2 R2 D B L F2 R'
9. 9.76 B R B' D2 F' R2 B' L2 U2 B2 L2 D2 B R D2 F R' U F R2
10. (15.16) D' L2 F2 R2 D2 R2 D' R2 U2 L2 R2 B' D2 L' B2 F R D' R'
11. 11.10 L' D' F B' R' L' B' L U2 L2 U2 D' B2 D F2 L2 D2 L2 U L2
12. 9.89 D' L' D R B' L2 D' R' D2 R' D2 F2 L F2 U2 R2 B2 R' D

Sub 12 ao500


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Jun 5, 2018
Downtown Swagistan
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U F' U2 B2 L2 B R2 U2 L2 U2 F' L2 F' D B2 U L' U R2 U' B

F D F' R' U' L2 D' // could have been 6 mover but am dumb
R U' R' // 1st pair
L' U L // 2nd pair
R' U R // 3rd pair
U2 L U L' // 4th pair
// pause for effect
U' r U R' U' r' F R F' // OCLL
U' U' U' // good auf
R' U L' U2 R U' R' U2 R L U // PLL

// 9.15 43 moves 4.69TPS

four free pairs and I choke LL


Jun 5, 2018
Downtown Swagistan
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Generated By csTimer on 2021-10-15
avg of 100: 11.52

Time List:
(9.05), 11.02, 11.52, 11.77, (9.37), 10.67, 11.10, 12.49, 12.98, (13.86), 9.49, 13.25, 9.53, 12.35, 10.43, 10.57, 13.02, 12.08, 11.31, 10.77, 12.35, 11.26, (13.86), 12.69, 9.46, 11.96, 9.88, 12.25, 11.91, 11.99, (14.16), 12.96, 11.83, 11.95, 13.84, 11.99, 10.86, 12.31, (9.09), 11.36, 13.37, 13.49, 10.05, 9.64, 10.21, 10.17, 12.67, (14.82), 10.48, 12.33, 13.52, 10.82, (14.79), 9.57, 11.59, 12.70, 10.83, 11.14, 11.32, 11.97, 10.79, 10.88, 10.73, 10.88, 12.46, 11.80, 11.80, 11.03, 10.28, 11.27, 12.10, (9.36), 9.47, 11.10, 11.70, 10.78, 10.82, 10.66, 13.24, 10.61, 13.58, 11.94, 11.16, 11.09, 13.72, 11.82, 11.89, 12.96, 10.96, 9.99, 11.54, 11.48, 11.37, 12.35, 12.07, 11.55, 10.68, 11.82, 11.04, (9.14)

ColorfulPockets was "comfortably sub-13" and I'm 100% past that point now. The only other CT solver that was relatively high-profile within the community was Chris Tran himself. The most recent video we have of him solving is from a few months back where he does about 40-50ish solves and averaged 11.55. This AO100 is sub-Chris Tran. If I can get this to be global I may just be the fastest active CTer
Aug 12, 2013
SS Competition Results
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Generated By csTimer on 2021-10-15
avg of 100: 11.52

Time List:
(9.05), 11.02, 11.52, 11.77, (9.37), 10.67, 11.10, 12.49, 12.98, (13.86), 9.49, 13.25, 9.53, 12.35, 10.43, 10.57, 13.02, 12.08, 11.31, 10.77, 12.35, 11.26, (13.86), 12.69, 9.46, 11.96, 9.88, 12.25, 11.91, 11.99, (14.16), 12.96, 11.83, 11.95, 13.84, 11.99, 10.86, 12.31, (9.09), 11.36, 13.37, 13.49, 10.05, 9.64, 10.21, 10.17, 12.67, (14.82), 10.48, 12.33, 13.52, 10.82, (14.79), 9.57, 11.59, 12.70, 10.83, 11.14, 11.32, 11.97, 10.79, 10.88, 10.73, 10.88, 12.46, 11.80, 11.80, 11.03, 10.28, 11.27, 12.10, (9.36), 9.47, 11.10, 11.70, 10.78, 10.82, 10.66, 13.24, 10.61, 13.58, 11.94, 11.16, 11.09, 13.72, 11.82, 11.89, 12.96, 10.96, 9.99, 11.54, 11.48, 11.37, 12.35, 12.07, 11.55, 10.68, 11.82, 11.04, (9.14)

ColorfulPockets was "comfortably sub-13" and I'm 100% past that point now. The only other CT solver that was relatively high-profile within the community was Chris Tran himself. The most recent video we have of him solving is from a few months back where he does about 40-50ish solves and averaged 11.55. This AO100 is sub-Chris Tran. If I can get this to be global I may just be the fastest active CTer
I always believed you!