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[WR] Yiheng Wang 0.78 2x2 WR Average

Mar 16, 2016
Everyone in 2x2 discord is coping by saying the stops are bad lol
Yiheng's timer stops have never been without some amount of controversy, to my knowledge. It's not unique to this average. They're definitely pushing it, but I don't think they're illegal. Nor do I think it would reflect poorly on Yiheng's sportsmanship if they were—obviously, in an event as short as 2x2, you're going to be trying to eek out as much time save as you possibly can.

If the results aren't retroactively penaltied (which I see no reason why they would be,) this is a result that's going to stand for a loooooong time.

Or maybe he'll break it again, who knows. Some of those solutions looked like they were at least 10 moves, which is ridiculous to execute sub 0.8