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[AsR] Yi-Fan Wu - 21.26 4x4 single - Kaohsiung Summer Open 2017


Jan 20, 2010
Another of Feliks' records. From 11 being held by him in January to 7 at the moment.

Yi Fan-Wu also broke his average PB, and now he is 8th in the ranking. So among all single record holders, that places him as the second with a worse average ranking, after Nathan Dwyer in Square-1 (23rd avg).


Sep 30, 2010
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Yi-Fan Wu - 21.26 4x4 AsR single - Kaohsiung Summer Open 2017

L2 B2 L2 B D2 F U2 F' R2 L D2 L U B' R2 U' R' B D F2 f2 u2
L' B r2 L2 F' L F' R u2 B R2 u r2 U2 F' R' r u D f R D f B2

y' x' // inspection
U 3r r' u y' U l // yellow
x' R u' y U r U2' r' // white
U R' u L' // WO
y D R u L' // WR
U' y U' R' u F // WB
(x' y) U' 3r r' U' 3r r' // green
3r U' 3r 3r' r U' r' r 3r U' U' r2' U2' r // orange
U' r U' r2' 3r U2' r // blue / red
L z' y L' u' // WG
U R U' R' u // GO
U2' L2' // cross
y u y U' L' U L u' // OB / YR
U F R' F' R u // GR
U2' F R' F' R u' // YB
U R U' R' u // YO
U' F R' F' R d' // YG / RB
R U' R' L U' L' // wRB
U' R U R' 3d' U' R R' R U R' // wOB
U' y2' U' R' U R U' R' U' R // wGO
U R U' R' U R U R' // wGR
U' F U R U' R' y' R' // OLL
x R2' D2 R U R' D2 R U' R // PLL
View at alg.cubing.net
[B]Step	Time	STM	stps	ETM	etps[/B]
[COLOR="red"]Total	21.26	128	6.02	154	7.24	[/COLOR]	[B][SIZE="4"]%[/SIZE]
							Step		Time	STM	ETM[/B]
Step 1	2.10	11	5.24	15	7.14		Step 1/Redux	14.9%	13.8%	14.9%
Step 2	2.91	12	4.12	15	5.15		Step 2/Redux	20.6%	15.0%	14.9%
Step 3	3.57	23	6.44	28	7.84		Step 3/Redux	25.3%	28.8%	27.7%
Step 4	1.87	9	4.81	12	6.42		Step 4/Redux	13.2%	11.3%	11.9%
Step 5	3.67	25	6.81	31	8.45		Step 5/Redux	26.0%	31.3%	30.7%
[COLOR="blue"]Redux	14.12	80	5.67	101	7.15	[/COLOR]	[COLOR="blue"]Redux/Total	66.4%	62.5%	65.6%[/COLOR]

F2L	4.33	32	7.39	35	8.08		F2L/3x3		60.6%	66.7%	66.0%
LL	2.81	16	5.69	18	6.41		LL/3x3		39.4%	33.3%	34.0%
[COLOR="blue"]3x3x3	7.14	48	6.72	53	7.42	[/COLOR]	[COLOR="blue"]3x3x3/Total	33.6%	37.5%	34.4%[/COLOR]