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Yet Another 2x2 Test: Switching Mains a Week Before a Comp

Oct 26, 2022
SS Competition Results
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I currently main the Moyu RS2M Evo. Its a great cube and i love it. I've always heard people say NOT to switch mains close to a comp, so ive decided to order a YJ MGC Elite 2x2, and i've timed the delivery to come on monday, just 5 days before the competition. We'll see how much my results differ across the week, and in comparison to my old main. The first ao10 of my RS2M will be later today.

Edit: I shouldve mentioned, i suck at 2x2 but i just find it to be a really fun and easily experimental event.
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I currently main the Moyu RS2M Evo. Its a great cube and i love it. I've always heard people say NOT to switch mains close to a comp, so ive decided to order a YJ MGC Elite 2x2, and i've timed the delivery to come on monday, just 5 days before the competition. We'll see how much my results differ across the week, and in comparison to my old main. The first ao10 of my RS2M will be later today.
The 5 days you have the cube, make sure to do as much solves as you need to get used to the cube.
Firat avg after they cube arrived

Generated By csTimer on 2023-03-20
avg of 10: 5.88

Time List:
1. 6.34 R' U R U F R2 U2 R' F' R'
2. (2.24) F' U2 R' U' F' U2 R U R'
3. 5.89 U F U F' R2 F' R2 F2 R2
4. 4.15 F2 U2 R2 U F' U R2 F R2
5. 7.84 F2 U' F2 U F2 U' R F' R2
6. 6.25 F2 R' U F U' R2 U2 R' F'
7. 4.43 R U R2 F2 U' R' U F' R F2
8. (9.79) R2 F' R2 F' R F2 U' F' U F2
9. 6.10 U' R F R2 U' R F' U' F
10. 6.03 U2 F R' F' U R2 F R' F'
More consistent today, which should be better, but less very fast solves which impacted the avg.

Generated By csTimer on 2023-03-21
avg of 10: 6.25

Time List:
1. (4.51) R2 U F U' F U F2 R2 U'
2. 6.74 R' U2 F R' F R' U2 R U'
3. 7.01 R' U' F2 R2 F' U R2 F' R2
4. (7.72) U2 R2 U' F' R2 U R U2 R U
5. 5.07 F2 U' R U' F R2 F2 U' R' U'
6. 5.66 U2 R U R F2 U' F' U F'
7. 6.32 F R F U2 R' F' U R2 F'
8. 6.65 F R' F R U2 F' R2 F' R
9. 7.02 R F U' R U2 F2 R2 U' R'
10. 5.51 R F R2 F' R2 F2 U2 F' R2 F'
Getting better!

Generated By csTimer on 2023-03-22
avg of 10: 5.22

Time List:
1. (7.95) R F2 R F2 U' F U R' F'
2. 4.25 F' U F' R2 F U' F' U R2 U'
3. 4.43 R U' R2 U2 R' U F' R F'
4. 5.45 R U2 F2 U F' U R' F2 R2
5. 6.30 F U F2 U' F2 R U' R' F U'
6. 6.85 U2 R U' F2 R2 U' R F2 R
7. (2.96) U' F' U F U' R F R F' R'
8. 6.23 F R2 F U F' R2 F2 U2 R'
9. 4.81 U' R2 F2 R' U' R U2 F' U
10. 3.42 R2 F2 R U2 R F2 R' F2 U'
Getting better!

Generated By csTimer on 2023-03-22
avg of 10: 5.22

Time List:
1. (7.95) R F2 R F2 U' F U R' F'
2. 4.25 F' U F' R2 F U' F' U R2 U'
3. 4.43 R U' R2 U2 R' U F' R F'
4. 5.45 R U2 F2 U F' U R' F2 R2
5. 6.30 F U F2 U' F2 R U' R' F U'
6. 6.85 U2 R U' F2 R2 U' R F2 R
7. (2.96) U' F' U F U' R F R F' R'
8. 6.23 F R2 F U F' R2 F2 U2 R'
9. 4.81 U' R2 F2 R' U' R U2 F' U
10. 3.42 R2 F2 R U2 R F2 R' F2 U'
Nice, what is your TPS during these solves?