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Which side event(s) should I learn?


Feb 12, 2023
Somewhere in Appalachia 🧐
I'm sure somebody has brought up this question before, but in your opinion, what are the easiest side events to learn and become really good at? In other words, which events require the least amount of algs and practice based off of your experience? Of course, this can vary from person to person. The only "side event" I do is 2x2 and it is fairly easy to be decent at. I'm looking to possibly practice another side event since I don't do very much.

So, which side events have you found to be fairly simple to practice and learn and easy-ish to become really good at?

Bingus cuber

Oct 19, 2023
In Cubinginatree's refrigerator
I'm sure somebody has brought up this question before, but in your opinion, what are the easiest side events to learn and become really good at? In other words, which events require the least amount of algs and practice based off of your experience? Of course, this can vary from person to person. The only "side event" I do is 2x2 and it is fairly easy to be decent at. I'm looking to possibly practice another side event since I don't do very much.

So, which side events have you found to be fairly simple to practice and learn and easy-ish to become really good at?
Clock requires less effort to get good at, but my favorite side events are pyra and squan. Lots of people(@Garf) really like megaminx, but I personally don’t like it nearly as much. Skewb can be fun once you get good at it(@CubeLite), but again I don’t think it’s as fun.
Oct 26, 2022
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Megaminx is really awesome. I practiced for like a month and went from averaging 5/6 minutes to 1 minute 35, and once you start understanding that a Megaminx isn't just a longer 3x3 but a standalone puzzle with room for super creative solutions and inserts, it's really enjoyable.

I'd also say that to enjoy skewb you definitely need the right hardware, considering most of your solve requires fast and fluid sledges and hedges.


Feb 12, 2023
Somewhere in Appalachia 🧐
I'm seeing a lot of clock, pyra, skewb, squan, and mega.

I have a clock, but it's a cheap shengshou that would be difficult for speedsolving. I know how to solve it, but only with a beginner's method. I have a cheap yuxin skewb which is probably not ideal for speedsolving, and same with my squan. I have a great mega though, and I might have to look deeper into the method I want to use which is the westlund method. Finally, I have a yuxin pyraminx which works fine for now.
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