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What's up with my springs/centers on 7x7?


Sep 4, 2020
the table, eating lasagna.
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So I was taking a look at my centers on 7x7 since I was going to tension and also clean out the puzzle as well. I noticed that the head of the screw was going inside the center cap, and plastic was coming out a bit. I've had the puzzle for about a year now. Is this normal?
Alright. Judging from how the screw is sitting, I'd assume just the amount of time you've used it is wearing it down underneath the screw. Have you tried taking one out?
Yeah. I’m cleaning the puzzle out rn. What I’m going to do is line the core with Lubicle Black.
I'd say then just clear out the loose pieces of plastic particles then and see if anything changes. Haven't seen that issue before.
I’m guess it’s all the friction that’s been applied, since you know I’m a fast solver. I think a good precautionary step for the future is what I said and apply black to the core