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What was the best cube of 2023?

Best 3x3 of the year?

  • Tornado V3

  • WRM V9

  • YS3M

  • GAN 13

  • GAN 12

  • GAN 14

  • Super Weilong

  • Super RS3M

  • RS3M

  • RS3M 2021

  • Super RS3M V2

  • RS3M V5

  • Other

  • Guhong Pro

Results are only viewable after voting.


Nov 25, 2021
Visit Channel
Since the year just ended, I wanted to see what cube people thought was the best of the year. Imo, the tornado v3(even though it released in 2022), was the best cube to buy in 2023, but I still love the wrm v9 and ys3m bc. I just want to see what you guys liked this year.
I voted for the Tomato v3 for a few reasons (even tho I detest the darker green making recog & lookahead harder)!:

1) you can get the core-corner magnetization mid-tier with the Flagship model (~$30)
2) it flows real easy while still being controllable
3) Max set the 3.13s WR with this cube
4) Max set the 3.13s WR with this cube
5) Max set the 3.13s WR with this cube
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I voted for the Tomato v3 for a few reasons (even tho I detest the darker green making recog & lookahead harder)!:

1) you can get the core-corner magnetization mid-tier with the Flagship model (~$30)
2) it flows real easy while still being controllable
3) Max set the 3.13s WR with this cube
4) Max set the 3.13s WR with this cube
5) Max set the 3.13s WR with this cube
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Bro the tomato v3 was my favorite to!
WRM was the best moyu release out of the 2 i tried (ys3m and wrm v9) I dont really like ys3 because it is too blocky and slow for my liking, also I got the matte version which is very slippery. I can understand why some people would choose the ys3m though
MoYu RS3M V5 was the best cube 2023. You have to try it! The spring tension version is less blockier than the 2020, so that means it might be a better cube. The Ball-Core version is fine, but just don't drop your cube.
Im getting the cheapest version of rs3m v5 for free cuz of cubicle sale, ill let u know how I like it once I get it, also I won't have the ball core for a while, but hopefully i get it at some point lol
damn, that never happened to me, did you like drop it or something? Also imo uv coating isnt necessary unless the original is matte or something
UV coating helps with the grip of the cube, also perhaps to show off (but not me)
The UV coating in Moyu cubes, I realized, doesn't have grip (a gan cube does)
Yes, I dropped the cube twice. And my friend dropped it once.
Ah yes I had wondered if this conversation would come into play…

So imo the Wrm v9 is the cube poeple get if they know what they want or not, it is a very diy cube. You can take the maglev out and put in springs if it’s too fast( I’ve done that with one of mine it’s kinda good ngl) or if you are good at setting up you can keep it the same but with precise lube increments. All around with the uv and high tech and not-a-bank-breaker cube it’s pretty good. But hey that’s my pick for the best cube!
UV coating helps with the grip of the cube, also perhaps to show off (but not me)
The UV coating in Moyu cubes, I realized, doesn't have grip (a gan cube does)
Yes, I dropped the cube twice. And my friend dropped it once.
I havent really noticed the difference about the grip but my gan 11 pro uv is less grippy than my wrm v9 uv cuz theres all sorts of random lube on it (I am really messy with lube lol)