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What item would you take with you?


Feb 5, 2024
Cubinginatree's Mailbox
Visit Channel
Idk If someone already did a thread like this, but...
So I have 3 questions you have to answer

1. If you would be stuck on an island FOREVER, what item would you take
2. If you would be stuck on an island for 1 year, what item would you take
3. If you would be stuck on an island for 1 year, what 3 cubes would you take

And let's say that you have food, water, toilet, bed, a house already, but no things that are not for survival
Idk If someone already did a thread like this, but...
So I have 3 questions you have to answer

1. If you would be stuck on an island FOREVER, what item would you take
2. If you would be stuck on an island for 1 year, what item would you take
3. If you would be stuck on an island for 1 year, what 3 cubes would you take

And let's say that you have food, water, toilet, bed, a house already, but no things that are not for survival
1. a solar powered computer with HSC and CStimer installed
2. a solar powered computer with HSC and CStimer installed
3. Ys3m 3x3, a 7x7 and a Qiyi clock
Idk If someone already did a thread like this, but...
So I have 3 questions you have to answer

1. If you would be stuck on an island FOREVER, what item would you take
2. If you would be stuck on an island for 1 year, what item would you take
3. If you would be stuck on an island for 1 year, what 3 cubes would you take

And let's say that you have food, water, toilet, bed, a house already, but no things that are not for survival

This is just regular life and probably better than regular life for some people depending on the house quality. Electricity, plumbing, and plenty of food and water? Assuming the house has working outlets I’d bring a nice computer of some sort, which would allow for close to endless entertainment. Preferably there’s internet access, but if not I’d preload the computer with literal terabytes of YouTube, video games, and anything else I could think of as being fun or useful.
This is just regular life and probably better than regular life for some people depending on the house quality. Electricity, plumbing, and plenty of food and water? Assuming the house has working outlets I’d bring a nice computer of some sort, which would allow for close to endless entertainment. Preferably there’s internet access, but if not I’d preload the computer with literal terabytes of YouTube, video games, and anything else I could think of as being fun or useful.
What about 3 cubes?
Idk If someone already did a thread like this, but...
So I have 3 questions you have to answer

1. If you would be stuck on an island FOREVER, what item would you take
2. If you would be stuck on an island for 1 year, what item would you take
3. If you would be stuck on an island for 1 year, what 3 cubes would you take

And let's say that you have food, water, toilet, bed, a house already, but no things that are not for survival
1. spunch bop
2. spunch bop
3. spunch bop (cubic), spunch bop (tetrahedral), spunch bop (octahedral)
Idk If someone already did a thread like this, but...
So I have 3 questions you have to answer

1. If you would be stuck on an island FOREVER, what item would you take
2. If you would be stuck on an island for 1 year, what item would you take
3. If you would be stuck on an island for 1 year, what 3 cubes would you take

And let's say that you have food, water, toilet, bed, a house already, but no things that are not for survival
In all 3 cases, I would take 60 cubes to do multi!