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What is the worst WCA event?


May 17, 2023
Wellington, NZ
Visit Channel
As the title suggests, reply with the WCA event that you dislike the most. Personally, I dislike clock. With every other WCA puzzle, the solved state is based on the position of the coloured pieces, but not on clock. It’s also a weird shape. Every other puzzle has some shape, but a clock is just shaped like…well a clock.
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I agree that Clock is a little too different, but I don't do it so...
Personally I feel like 5BLD is just a bigger 4BLD with more to memorise. Also, MBLD is literally a measure of how much you can memo and solve in an hour so it's mostly just a memory contest. @abunickabhi feel free to oppose me.
I agree with you. MBLD event feels the most disconnected out of the 17 WCA events.

MBLD is not just memory, it is exec speed and stamina and consistency and accuracy. Such parameters are not tested so much in other events.