Puzzle Maniac
Of the current 65,681 created threads, what is the most viewed, or the thread with the most messages sent in it on here? There does not appear to be a way to sort threads but different meausurements (i.e. views, replies, etc), so here are some of the threads that I have found:
- Accomplishment Thread by edd5190 with 6M views and 70K replies
- Blindfold Accomplishment Thread by qqwref with 2M views and 19K replies
- Older cubers discussions by MarcelP with 1M views, and 21K replies
- Easy / Lucky / Funny / Hard / Weird scrambles thread by Davepencilguin with 893K views and 10K replies
- The 3x3 Example Solve Thread by HASH-CUBE with 787K views and 11K replies
- The FMC thread by blah with 735K views and 5K replies
- Odd WCA stats/ Stats request thread by anders with 687K views and 5K replies
- Upcoming puzzles by Sergey with 653K views and 8K replies
- The New Method / Substep / Concept Idea Thread by elrog with 609K views and 8K replies
- Blindfold Failures Thread by Mike Hughey with 534K views and 6K replies
- The reconstruction thread by qqwref with 342K views and 1K replies
- 4x4 Discussion and Help by jackolanternsoup with 209K views and 2K replies
- csTimer released by qq280833822 with 196K views and 1K replies
- Which Cube Should I Get? Up To Date Recommendations by pjk with 160K views and 1K replies
- The Roux "Example Solve" Game! by Renslay with 147K views and 1K replies
- Multi-Blind Discussion by Deleted Member 27840 with 135K views and 1K replies
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